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發表於 2017-10-20 12:43:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“I have nothing against extra lessons. Parents should have the right to send their children to lessons if they feel that this would help their children to improve their grades. What I do not wish to see is for parents to have to send their children to extra lessons because teachers are not finishing their curriculum.”This comment was made by President Donald Ramotar,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who stated that he has received complaints from some parents that their children were not able to complete the curriculum,Wholesale Jerseys, thus they (the parents) were forced to send their children to extra lessons in order to catch up with the work.Ramotar has issued a stern warning to teachers for them to ensure that they complete the curriculum and syllabus in a timely manner in their respective schools. This would mean that parents (and students) would not be burdened financially and otherwise to attend extra lessons.He was addressing the third Biennial Conference of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU),Soccer Jerseys Cheap, recently.Mr Ramotar stated that the foundation for excelling must be laid in the classroom and not through extra lessons.The Guyanese leader reminded the gathering that teachers are required to deliver the curriculum “and they should ensure that this is done and done in a timely manner; no child should be forced to go to extra lessons in order to cover work that was not done in school…extra lessons should be a voluntary thing and parents should not be made to feel that their child has no chance of passing an examination because the work was not adequately delivered in the school”.Ramotar said that he has heard stories of teachers using the school system “to promote extra lessons”. He wants teachers who are fully committed to their schools and he does not want teachers who are there “simply for extra bucks that they can have due to extra lessons”.He stated that an “overwhelming number of teachers are committed and dedicated…to their students and will therefore do all that is possible to ensure that the work programme for each subject is completed before the end of the school year”.The President expressed his disgust, too,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, of cases in which children are asked to return to school during their school holidays to complete their School Based Assessment (SBAs).“I was disturbed when I learned of teachers not completing their syllabuses…it is equally important especially for children writing the CXC exams that they have adequate time to revise for these examinations and should not be forced to spend their last few weeks before the exams trying to get their SBAs in because this will place a great deal of pressure on children and take away from their examination preparation”.Mr Ramotar urged all school administrations and the Ministry of Education, therefore, to put in place measures to ensure that students are not short- changed. “I am not blaming teachers for this problem. I am advised that there are many cases where teachers have to make extraordinary personal sacrifices just to help their children.“We need to recognise these efforts as well as provide the support needed for our schools to deliver better results”.He also urged teachers to make the classroom a place of “compassion and love”. While acknowledging the fact that some teachers do not have it easy today,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, the President cautioned the nation’s teachers to treat children with dignity “because the scars they experience in school are often carried with them into adulthood and bad experiences at school can be very traumatic for children”.Teachers ought to be sensitive. “Sometimes the harsh reprimands can deeply hurt a child’s feelings and affect the child’s ability to enjoy school…The child who does not enjoy school is likely not to want to attend school,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, andwe should therefore all try to make our schools a caring and protective environment ever mindful that we are dealing with young and impressionable minds”.Ramotar said that he wants to expand Physical Education in the schools across the nation and that he expects teachers to be integral stakeholders in the consultation process to begin shortly.

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