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發表於 2017-10-20 13:49:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Minister says many students have not returned loaned materialA number of parents have expressed outrage over moves by the Ministry of Education to prevent their children from accessing their Caribbean Secondary Education Certification (CSEC) Examination results online. Those affected are students who were attached to schools included in the Ministry’s four-month long project which was aimed at improving Mathematics and English.Government had injected just over $85M to aid the programme, which saw the Ministry procuring materials such as CXC General Maths Book I and II; the Self-Study Guide for CXC; the collection of revision DVDs; the combined past papers from 2008 to 2011; Model Solutions to difficult answers, Combined Solutions for everything, in addition to a geometry set, graph paper and a scientific calculator.These materials were handed over free of cost to some 4,000 students at schools including Abram Zuil, Anna Regina and Aurora (Region Two); West Demerara, Zeeburg,cheap jerseys, Patentia, Leonora, Stewartville (Region Three); Annandale,Cheap Jerseys, Covent Garden, Bladen Hall, Hope (Region Four); East Ruimveldt, Christ Church, North Georgetown, Central, Brickdam, North Ruimveldt, Richard Ishmael (Georgetown),Wholesale China Jerseys, Bushlot, Mahaicony, Bygeval, Woodley Park Primary Tops (Region Five); J. C. Chandisingh, Tagore Memorial,  New Amsterdam Multilateral,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Berbice High, Skeldon Line Path  (Region Six); Three Miles (Region Seven), St. Ignatius (Region Nine), MacKenzie High,Calum Chambers Arsenal Jersey UK, Christianburg and Silver City (Region 10).According to the parents who shared their concerns with this publication, over recent days they were informed by the respective schools that students will be unable to access their results online unless they return all of the materials that were loaned to them.  One parent lamented “all other students are bragging and boasting about their results, but my son doesn’t have a clue what his grades are and he returned every piece of thing the school gave him…this can never be fair.”Minister of Education Priya Manickchand in an invited comment yesterday confirmed that the Ministry had in fact made the decision to prevent the target students from accessing their results online. She revealed that students, parents and teachers were all aware that the materials should have been returned upon completion of the examination.The Minister stressed that a mere 20 per cent of students at some schools have complied with this agreement.“Some parents are justified in their complaints, but the thing is we can’t just block a few of the students, we have to block them all…that’s how the system works. I have been getting calls all day, but we have to deal with this matter seriously.”In alluding to the millions spent to acquire the materials for the project, Manickchand was pellucid that “if we do not ensure that those materials are returned to us what will happen to the next batch of students? The media will then be reporting on what became of the money we spent last year if I have to find money again next year to buy the same materials…they can’t sell, damage or give away our materials, it is the property of the Ministry”. She disclosed,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, too, that the Ministry is expected to release a statement on the matter.Meanwhile, Manickchand noted that the official results of the CSEC examination will be out shortly since the Ministry, as of last week, was not in possession of this. Once the results become available to the Ministry, they will be handed out to the schools and subsequently the candidates, the Minister assured.

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