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–    Also charged $10,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,000 for abusive languageA male sex worker faced two charges yesterday that stemmed from a fight. He was fined $35,000 for sticking his fingers in the victim’s eye and was later placed on $10,000 bail for abusing the said person.Eighteen-year-old Wesley Holder of Cross and Leopold Street Georgetown faced Magistrate Hazel Octive- Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for unlawfully and maliciously wounding Stacy Caesar on July 31 at High and Hadfield Street. He was also accused of using abusive language towards the woman during the fracas. He pleaded guilty to the wounding matter but claimed innocence for abusive language.Wesley HolderIn the wounding matter,Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, Prosecutor Burgett Grant read that on the day in question around 01:30 hours, the victim was on High and Hadfield Street when she got involved in an argument with the defendant.   Grant said that the defendant began to abuse the victim who engaged in an exchange of words. Grant said as a result of the argument,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, the two persons began to fight.The defendant, Grant said,Wholesale Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, gave the victim one cuff to the eye which resulted in her receiving injuries. Caesar, the prosecutor said made a report to the police sand later returned a medical report to the Brickdam Police Station after being issued with the document to take to the doctor.The defendant however refuted the police’s claim that he was the aggressor in the matter. Holder started by saying “it happened because I am gay.” The man said on the day in question he was at the time dancing under Demico when the victim passed and pelted him with a bottle. He said he got a bottle that had some liquid inside and returned the favour. Caesar,Nike Roshe Run Sale Outlet, he said, argued that urine was inside the bottle and he took off running to High Street.Holder said he and the victim began to fight, and during such time,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Caesar held on to the false hair he was wearing and he in turn “held on in she eye.” He later explained to the court that he bored the victim in her eye in an effort to have her release his hair. Holder said that even after being parted by someone, the victim continued to attack him.Caesar was not present in court.The medical report was presented to the court on request and it was revealed that the information on the document was inconsistent with the injuries the prosecutor said the victim received. The Court said the victim received other injuries consistent with a fight.The court also said that the defendant’s story seemed consistent with the information in the police file. As a result, the Magistrate told the defendant that he will not be jailed, but she pleaded with him to behave himself and to stay out of trouble.  Holder was then ordered to pay the fine forthwith. He was also placed on the bail for abusing the victim. He will return to court on September 27.

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