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Nike Air Max Tn Shoes Women but unfortunately it has gone beyond control…









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發表於 2017-10-21 07:42:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government has condemned the behaviour of a sitting Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) who went on a rant on his Facebook page yesterday calling for the administration to give orders to police to kill all thieves.Opposition MP, Nigel DharamlallAccording to Government, the behaviour of Nigel Dharamlall has crossed lines and should be sanctioned.According to Dharamlall who sits on the Opposition PPPC benches,Cheap Air Max Shoes, his concerns had to do with the current crime situation.In his post to President David Granger, the Parliamentarian said that: “Even though I didn’t support your party you have still been LUCKY to be installed as President of Guyana by GECOM.Since then though,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, your Brainlessness has been in Overdrive. Everything that comes out of your Mouth makes you sound foolish…I’m worried that people are thinking that you are a Dud…You are our President… get rid of Ramjattan…get rid of the criminals…get rid of the thieves…in and out of Government…Mr. President I edited the original post…because some of my friends advised me to…but I’m pissed off nonetheless…even though I’m in the Opposition I was hopeful that your platoon of military advisors and yourself would have been able to quell the crime situation…but unfortunately it has gone beyond control…I may not be politically correct sometimes but people are losing their monies, limbs and lives daily…and yet you seem flippant about the demise of our citizens…Give orders to the police to kill these mofos/thieves…Stop pardoning them…Your oblivion to our suffering is giving strength to the criminals…ONE LOVE!!!However, it appears the post has attracted the attention of several Government officials.According to Minister of State,NFL Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, Joseph Harmon, it was brought to his attention that the posts, and a number of others by the MP, have raised significant concerns by persons who saw it.“From what I have seen, he has crossed the line of impropriety.It was only yesterday (Friday) that we completed a programme with the British and it focused also on the need for our MPs to conduct themselves in a respectful manner in and out of Parliament. This is a disgusting and highly unbecoming behavior for a sitting MP.”Hours after the post,NFL Jerseys For Sale, Dharamlall returned to his page apologizing.This is what he had to sayear President #GrangerI’m sure you are a thick-skinned leader…as all politicians ought to be…however, some of your supporters feel that I have been too harsh in my criticisms of you…Let us bury the hatchet…you lead the country without racial and political discrimination; without fear of the criminals; without dubious and partisan policies; without corruption; without disrespect to the Amerindians, vulnerable,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, elderly,Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, youth and disadvantaged AND I shall steer clear of you…To you and your supporters #MyApology for the unwarranted things I earlier posted that may have caused you harm…ONE LOVE!!!

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