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Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, has dismissed the contention of the opposition People’s Progressive Party that the Granger Administration is putting pressure on the police and the Director of Public Prosecution to persecute its members.Ramjattan, in an invited comment, told Kaieteur News that there are procedures that are used to investigate before charging persons who ought to be charged for criminal action.“It is not at the direction of any administrative officer but at the behest of the information that comes to the police,” Ramjattan said.The PPP in a statement issued on Tuesday night, said that pressure is being exerted on the DPP to advise in favour of bringing charges against members of the opposition.The opposition party had also stated that it had observed efforts by the Granger Administration to persecute its members using the Police and the Courts to do so.The PPP called on the DPP Chambers, the Guyana Police Force and the Judiciary, to act independently of any political interference.Moreover, it has registered its concern over what it described as the increasing attempts by the APNU+AFC administration to give orders and directives to constitutional office holders, which by its very nature, constitutes a serious threat to our democracy and the erosion of the doctrine of separation of powers.The statement came a few hours after news broke that the DPP had advised that charges be laid against former Public Service Minister, Jennifer Westford.The DPP has also advised that charges be laid against former Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.Westford has already appeared in court on four charges and was released on $800,000 bail. But Ramjattan pointed out that it was not the administration that instigated action against Westford.He said that it was in fact Permanent Secretary,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Hydar Ally, a candidate for the PPP/C at the recently held General Elections, who brought the matter to the attention of Minister of State Joseph Harmon.Ramjattan said that it was on that basis that the administration took the appropriate action to have an investigation done, so that justice could prevail.“Should we divert our ears away from criminality? If they are going to feel the pinch, so be it! It is not persecuting,” the Public Security Minister declared.To support its arguments that the present administration was exerting pressure on arms of the law, the PPP recalled statements made by Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge, who was quoted in sections of the media as saying, “I think there is a lot of pressure on the relevant Ministers to ensure that people are prosecuted.”According to the PPP, Greenidge’s statement is not the only one which is centrally directed to exert pressure on the DPP’s Chambers, the police and ultimately the courts.Minister of State Joseph Harmon, it said, was purported to have publicly declared, “We are going after the big fishes.”“Clearly, the aim is to achieve a goal that is consistent with a politically-motivated agenda of the Granger Administration,” the main opposition party stated.But Minister Ramjattan retorted, “They will have their day in court and if they provide proper defence, then the court will have to dispense justice…but we will ensure that culprits and felons do their time,” Ramjattan said.“All who feel that they could deal with public property in a cavalier fashion, we will deal with them. They must never feel that it is their private property,” the Public Security Minister stated.The Chamber of the Director of Public Prosecutions also weighed in on the matter.In a brief but pointed response, the DPP suggested that it was unfair to blame the DPP for the charges, since she was only acting on the basis of investigations carried out by the police.“The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) wishes to state that all legal advice given to the Guyana Police Force in relation to criminal matters is based on statements contained in the files, and the law in relation to the statements in the files.“The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is an independent office and prides itself on being independent,” the DPP said in a statement.Efforts to contact the Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud for a comment yesterday were futile.

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