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Relatives of Kwame Rumel Jobronewet are offering a reward for information that could lead to them finding the 69-year-old American citizen, who disappeared over a month ago.This was disclosed yesterday by Jobronewet’s close relatives, who said that they were taking this step because all other efforts to locate him have failed.“We want to bring some closure… you have this hope every day. Sometimes the phone rings and you have this hope that this is the call,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” one relative said.Some relatives had initially believed that the elderly American might be suffering from some memory loss.However, they appear to now believe that he is being held against his will.Jobronewet’s relatives had revealed that they received a call some weeks ago from someone who claimed to have him.Kwame JobronewetAccording to the relatives, the caller claimed that Jobronewet had contracted malaria. He then demanded $1.6M from the relatives.Persons with information of Jobronewet’s whereabouts may contact the nearest police station or Kaieteur News on 22-58473, 22-58465, or 22-58491, without disclosing their identity.Kwame Jobronewet, also called Rommie,China Jerseys Cheap, disappeared on June 12 shortly after visiting relatives in Buxton. Police conducted two searches in the East Coast Demerara community but found no trace of the missing man.However, Kaieteur News understands that police have failed to follow up other leads about Jobronewet’s whereabouts.Questioned on Wednesday about the case, Police Commissioner Henry Greene told reporters that investigators have unearthed no new leads about the missing man’s fate.According to Green,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, the initial reports that investigators received indicated that Jobronewet “might not be stable”,Cheap Nike Air Max 1, and that he was seen in several places.“Since then, nobody has seen him in recent times. We don’t have a lead or anything to work with.”Stating that the Police are as concerned about Jobronewet’s fate as his relatives, Commissioner Greene said that the missing American’s uncle, Mr. Burchnel Brown, is retired superintendent of police and also a member of the Ex-Police Association.After arriving in Guyana on June 12,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, Jobronewet had stopped briefly at a relative’s home in Goedverwagting,Wholesale China Jerseys, East Coast Demerara, before heading for another family residence in Company Road, Buxton.A female relative said that Jobronewet left at around 15:00 hrs after stating that he was heading to Beterverwagting.However, a Buxton shopkeeper later stated that a man fitting Jabronewet’s description, and with an American accent, had tried to buy a soft drink with foreign coins, at his shop at around 20:00 hrs on June 12.The shopkeeper said he refused to sell the American after informing him that the coins had no value.Kaieteur News was told that police were informed about the incident.Jobronewet arrived in Guyana for his mother’s funeral and disappeared that same day.A female cousin who resides there said that the elderly man left at around 15:00 hrs after informing her that he was gong back to Goedverwagting.

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