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Jerseys NFL Wholesale the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic









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發表於 2017-10-22 04:19:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    AFC scores Region 8; APNU nets three  As anticipated, the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) took control of six of the country’s 10 Administrative Regions when elections for the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen were held yesterday.The notable change in the political makeup for the hierarchy in the regions was in Region Eight, where the Alliance for Change (AFC) managed to get its nominee, Mark Crawford, elected to the post.It means that for the first time in the history of the Potaro/Siparuni that the chairman was not of the ruling PPP/C or the People’s National Congress, the party which is the major bloc in the opposition coalition,Branden Albert Dolphins Jersey, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).APNU, however, did managed to get its nominees elected in Regions Four (Clement Corlette), Seven (Gordon Bradford) and Ten (Sharma Soloman). These areas traditionally enjoy the support of the PNC.No women were elected to head the regions. However two women – Genevieve Allen in Region Four for APNU and Amrita Thomas in Region Seven, also for APNU – secured the second highest positions- that of Vice Chair.The PPP/C had its representatives elected in Regions One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Seven and Nine. The Chairmen for those regions, respectively,Adam Shaheen Jersey, are: Paul Errol Pierre, Parmanand Persaud, Julius Faerber,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Bindranauth Bisnauth, Permaul Armoogan and Wilson Lorentio.Mortimer Mingo, who served as Region Ten Chairman, was not even selected to sit as a member of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC). Mingo was at the centre of a public row in which it was claimed that he had initially accepted a government offer for a piece of land in the now famous Pradoville 2 where former President Bharrat Jagdeo and a string of high-profile officials had chosen for house lots.Mingo served as the Chairman after being put in the position by his colleagues in the People’s National Congress Reform,Cheap Nike Shox Shoes, which later joined other partners to form APNU to contest the November 28 polls.Another controversial figure who did not feature in yesterday’s elections was Kwame McCoy,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, the President’s Information Liaison Officer, who was accused of disrupting a number of meetings of the RDC for Region Four.McCoy’s name did not appear on the list submitted by the ruling PPP/C for the elections.Councilors for the RDCs are selected by political parties based on votes cast at the General and Regional Elections. A meeting is called by the respective Regional Executive Officer at which the Councilors are sworn-in. Once they are sworn in, nominations for a Chairman and Vice-Chairman are then made and the two are elected by the very councilors who were sworn in.Meanwhile, former Chairman of Region One,Cheap Air Max 90, Fermin Singh was elected as Vice Chair.The RDCs are tasked with carrying out the programmes of the Central Government in their particular regions.

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