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After a triumphant tour with JOURNEY that saw FOREIGNER play to tens of thousands of new fans and earn great critical acclaim, FOREIGNER announces the release of a brand new album, "Acoustique".FOREIGNER first saw success throughout the world with their groundbreaking debut album that featured chart hits such as "Feels Like The First Time" and "Cold As Ice", and scored multiplatinum sales and a world tour. The band went on to sell over 70 million albums,Chris Wondolowski Jersey, driven by some of the most important songs in the classic rock era. "I Want To Know What Love Is" was a worldwide number one hit and "Waiting For A Girl Like You" is in the Top 50 of Billboard magazine's "All Time Greatest Pop Songs." The rocking side of FOREIGNER was always key to their success,Kevin Gausman Orioles Jersey, and songs like "Hot Blooded", "Dirty White Boy", "Urgent" and "Juke Box Hero" took the band to new levels."Acoustique" will be released on Edel's international rock label, earMUSIC, on September 23. It takes a fresh look at some of FOREIGNER hits and offers some unique surprises. The stripped down version of these great songs shows FOREIGNER in an entirely new light, and the release will be supported by unplugged tour dates and multiple television appearances. FOREIGNER inject new life into all their hits,Brian Bellows Jersey, pay tribute to Elvis Presley with a unique recording of "That's All Right" and throw in a couple of previously unreleased tracks. "The Flame Still Burns" was co-written by Mick Jones for 1998 cult rock movie "Still Crazy", where it was performed by Jimmy Nail. Mick won the prestigious Ivor Novello Award for that song. The album features a brand new song,Roberto Osuna Blue Jays Jersey, "Save Me", which was co-written with Mick Jones' stepdaughter and well-known DJ and musician, Samantha Ronson."Acoustique" will also be available in a special limited-edition box set that includes a DVD and a CD of brand new full rock versions of FOREIGNER's greatest hits by the current line-up. The DVD features a full-length live concert in high definition that was recorded in Chicago earlier this year and some bonus features that include one of FOREIGNER's first acoustic performances at Schloss Kronberg in Frankfurt that inspired the making of the "Acoustique" CD."Acoustique" features Mick Jones on guitars and vocals; Kelly Hansen,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, lead vocals and percussion; Jeff Pilson, guitars and vocals and Tom Gimbel, guitars,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, saxophone and vocals. The quartet is joined by Michael Bluestein on keyboards and vocals,Dennis Byrd Jets Jersey, and Mark Schulman on drums for the rock recordings of the hits and the DVD.CD: Acoustique - The Classics Unplugged01. Long,Darren Helm Red Wings Jersey, Long Way From Home02. Cold As Ice03. The Flame Still Burns (brand new song!)04. Double Vision05. Fool For You Anyway06. Say You Will07. Starrider08. Waiting For A Girl Like You09. Feels Like The First Time10. Juke Box Hero11. That's All Right12. Save Me (brand new song! electric version)13. I Want To Know What Love Is (electric version)14. When It Comes To Love (electric version)Limited-edition box set:CD1: Acoustique - The Classics Unplugged01. Long, Long Way From Home02. Cold As Ice03. The Flame Still Burns (brand new song!)04. Double Vision05. Fool For You Anyway06. Say You Will07. Starrider08. Waiting For A Girl Like You09. Feels Like The First Time10. Juke Box Hero11. That's All RightCD 2: Juke Box Heroes - Brand New Rock Recordings Of Foreigner's Greatest Hits01. Save Me (brand new song!)02. Feels Like The First Time03. Cold As Ice04. Long,Justin Peters Capitals Jersey, Long Way From Home05. Hot Blooded06. Double Vision07. Head Games08. Dirty White Boy09. Urgent10. Waiting For A Girl Like You11. I Want To Know What Love Is12. Juke Box HeroDVD: Live In Chicago 2011 85 min. show filmed in HD + bonus material01. Double Vision02. Head Games03. Cold As Ice04. Waiting For A Girl Like You05. When It Comes To Love06. Blue Morning, Blue Day07. Dirty White Boy08. Starrider09. Feels Like The First Time10. Urgent11. I Want To Know What Love Is12. Hot Blooded13. Juke Box Hero

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