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Cheap Jerseys China had left her place of employment









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發表於 2017-10-22 22:25:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Two sailors in custodyBy Samuel WhyteUp to press time, Police were still supervising a search of the Berbice River for the body of a 30-year-old barmaid and mother of one, who reportedly disappeared in the murky waters late Tuesday night.The missing woman, Roxanne Brewster,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, 30, of lot 43 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, had left her place of employment, the Rainbow Bar, also in New Amsterdam, in the company of two sailors. She was not seen again.The two men including the captain of the MV Alexander, which is docked on the bank of the Berbice River awaiting a load of cement,Cheap Air Max 90 Kpu Sale, are in custody assisting police with their investigations.The men have reportedly told police that after “drinking” they had invited the woman to their vessel and it was while crossing the gang plank,Nike Air Max 2018 Release, she fell overboard into the river. They claimed that they spent about 15 minutes searching the river in the dark but did not locate Brewster.The captain then made a report. The woman,China Jerseys Cheap, who has a six-year-old son,Cheap Mens Jordan Sneakers, lives with her aunt Melanie. When the media visited her home they had just returned from the Bermine area. A crowd had gathered at the residence, and relatives there said that they did not know much.Her father, Joseph Brewster, a businessman, of Lot 39 Stanleytown, also could not give much information. When Kaieteur News visited him at his home, Mr. Brewster stated that he last saw his daughter at around 17:00 hrs on Tuesday.He said he was told by someone that his daughter was missing and he was given some details. He said that he immediately hustled over to her aunt’s residence nearby and along with some relatives and friends they made their way up to the Bermine cement plant. After some delay several of them were eventually allowed into the plant.According to the bar owner, Anthony Cadore, the woman started to work at his bar only a few days ago. She previously worked at another bar in Stanleytown.Cadore stated that he noticed that the men had started to frequent the bar since late last week. He said that at first, one came then two of them eventually started coming. Roxanne Brewster and another female employee subsequently became acquainted with the men who would buy an occasional drink for them and they would sip and chat with the men. He said that he noticed that the men had previously accompanied his two employees to their home and he did not suspect anything when Brewster left with them on Tuesday evening.The bar owner said he closed his business sometime after two o’clock yesterday morning and he noticed Brewster leaving with the men, while his other employee left with her friend.The man said he was informed by the police later yesterday morning that his employee was believed to have died and that she may have drowned. He was questioned by the cops before they left.Kaieteur News understands that the men’s vessel is contracted to transport cement from the Caricom Cement Plant, the old Bermine Bauxite plant located at Everton on the East Bank of Berbice. The vessel which would bring raw materials would leave with a shipment of cement. One source informed that the vessel is registered in the Dominican Republic while another said that it is owned by a Guyanese.Investigations are continuing.

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