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發表於 2016-12-13 22:12:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Nocturne",Cheap NFL Jerseys Chinese, a brand new song from U.K. progressive metallers TESSERACT,Cheap Jerseys From China, can be streamed using the SoundCloud player below. The track marks the recording debut of the band's new lead singer,NFL Jerseys China, Ashe O'Hara, following the departure of American vocalist Elliot Coleman (OMNOM, SKY EATS AIRPLANE,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, ZELLIACK) in June."Nocturne" will be available as a free download and streaming everywhere on October 12. Comments the band: "'Nocturne',jerseys china, is one of the most uplifting and exciting pieces of music we have created. It faithfully continues down the same vein of groovy and euphoric progressive soundscapes that we're known for. Whilst at the same time allowing for the musical evolution that is essential for any band that has a lineup change."Hailing from Northampton,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Ashe spent his early years singing in many different groups,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, from choirs to musical theatre, and has more recently been involved with a number of ambient/alternative metal projects in addition to doing session work. Ashe currently resides in Hove,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, East Sussex and is eagerly awaiting the upcoming tour and working on the new album.Comments Ashe: "I have always been an admirer of their work so it's pretty awesome to be passed such a challenging flame. I am very aware of the anticipation and I am certainly feeling the weight of it,Cheap Jerseys, but I am equally excited for what shall be an amazing and shithot experience!" Add the other members of TESSERACT: "We realize that the vocalist search seemed like it took a long time, but we wanted to make sure that we found someone who was a perfect fit both on stage and in the studio and Ashe is just that. We very much appreciate the patience and support our fans have shown us and look forward to the next TESSERACT chapter." TESSERACT recently picked up the "New Blood" award — as voted for by readers of Prog magazine — at last week's first-ever Progressive Music Awards in the U.K. and is preparing for a small run of dates through Europe.

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