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發表於 2017-10-24 00:25:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police have announced that they have a suspect in connection with the murders of eight men whose cremated remains were discovered two weeks ago at a mining camp at Lindo Creek, Berbice River.The announcement comes on the heels of last Saturday’s disclosure by Acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene that investigators had secured the evidence of an eyewitness to the murders.A statement from Police Headquarters, Eve Leary said that the suspect was taken into custody last Friday.According to the police, so far, the investigations have unearthed that the members of the gang of Rondel Rawlins, called ‘Fine Man,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys,’ were involved in the killings at Lindo Creek.“The eyewitness has said that the men were attacked by ‘Fine Man’ and his gang. “They went there the night, and basically attacked the men.They tied them up, they cooked and so on, and then the next night they were shot and killed,” Greene told members of the media following last Saturday’s police anniversary route march.He added that the eyewitness related that, after the shooting, one of the victims was still alive, and he was beaten with a hammer until he succumbed.“That is what we have. We have how they arrived there, we have all the details. That is all I can give you for now,” Greene explained.The incident reportedly occurred even as the Joint Services were pursuing Rawlins and his gang after raiding their Christmas Falls hideout a few days earlier.According to the top cop,Authentic China Jerseys, the killer gang arrived at Lindo Creek,Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys, which is on the opposite side of the Berbice River from the Christmas Falls base.He said that charges will soon be made, but he did not elaborate on who will be charged.The police have declined to confirm if the suspect in custody is the said eyewitness that was referred to by the acting commissioner.But a senior police official hinted that the suspect and the eyewitness may be the same person, since it is unlikely that an outsider would have witnessed what happened at the Lindo Creek camp to provide investigators with the information they have.A police report had earlier stated that evidence gathered had indicated that Rawlins and his gang were responsible for the miners’ deaths.The confidential report, a copy of which this newspaper has managed to obtain, stated that Rawlins had boasted about the massacre while in the process of hijacking a mini bus on the Ituni Road.Ballistics tests on the spent shells recovered from the scene revealed that one of those shells matches one of the weapons that were recovered by the security forces from slain gunmen Cecil Ramcharran, called ‘Uncle Willie,’ and Robin Chung, called ‘Chung Boy’.The others match those recovered from crime scenes at Bartica and Triumph, East Coast Demerara.Owner of the mining camp where the miners were killed, Leonard Arokium, is maintaining that the killing of his employees is not the work of the notorious fugitive.Arokium had expressed strong belief that his employees were killed by members of the security forces operating in the area.He had explained that it would have been foolish for ‘Fine Man’ and his gang, who were fleeing from the security forces, to risk going to his camp and take the time to burn the bodies of his employees,Cheap Jerseys From China, including that of his son Dax, after killing them.Acting Commissioner Greene yesterday said that, within recent times, the Guyana Police Force has come under tremendous pressure,Nike Jerseys Wholesale Store, with recent calls for independent inquiries in recent events.This,jerseys nfl wholesale, he said, gives the impression that the Force can no longer investigate, or can no longer be trusted.“But I have always maintained that we are people of integrity and we investigate impartially, and we maintain our position. We don’t mind who is called to come and do what they call independent inquiry.We’re maintaining that they will find nothing different from what our investigators have unearthed,” the Acting Commissioner said.

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