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cheap jerseys paypal the Ethnic Relations Commission









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發表於 2017-10-24 11:21:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Abena RockcliffeJust before the budget deliberations came to an end on Wednesday evening, the opposition made its last amendment to the estimates when it cut some $19B from what was provided for the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) under the Ministry of Finance.The government had provided for $20B to be allocated to the project, but the opposition, by virtue of its one-seat majority, made a 95 percent reduction to that sum; leaving only $1B for the project.The $19B cut represented the largest the opposition had made since the start of this year’s budget deliberations.The allocation fell under the Capital Funding for the Finance Ministry to which a total of $24.7B was allocated.A large percentage of the $20B allocation was set aside to be utilized as Guyana’s stake in the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and would have originated from the biodiversity agreement Guyana has with Norway.However, the joint parliamentary opposition, with the argument that Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has not yet given its final approval of the hydropower project,wholesale nfl jerseys, decided not to approve funding.The Alliance for Change (AFC) suggested that funding be withheld until such time as the release and approval of the actual funds by the IDB,Wholesale Jerseys USA, but committed that they were prepared to approve a supplementary allocation for the project once the IDB cleared it.Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh argued that the budget addresses projected income and expenditure for the year which includes the expected IDB funding.However, the combined opposition was once again convinced that the best thing to do was to pull out the old axe and vote to slash the allocation.The allocation of $48.5B towards current expenditure for the Ministry of Finance was however approved,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, without amendments.While,Air Max 1 Atmos, even though there was detailed questioning with regards to vehicles allocated, the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) managed to escape the proposed APNU reduction of the $93.5M allocation by $92.5M.The Basic Needs Trust Fund was allocated $1B to provide for the implementation of the programme in areas such as education,Mens Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, health, community roads,Cheap NHL Jerseys, water supply and skills training. This financing came from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).The provision of $450M for student loans for students attending the University of Guyana was also included in this allocation.

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