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A monitoring and evaluation unit has been put in place by the Ministry of Education in order to monitor the implementation and the attainment of certain goals outlined by the Education Sector’s Strategic Plan.Minister of Education, Shaik BakshAnd parts of the plan, which is geared at working towards improving the delivery of education over a five-year period (2008-2013), have already been put in place according to Education Minister,Cheap Jerseys USA, Shaik Baksh. The Strategic Plan addresses the “bigger goals” of the education sector, he disclosed,NFL Jerseys Discount, including areas such as literacy, school health and nutrition as well as the assessment systems.Accordingly,Air Max 95 Black Leather, Baksh disclosed at a recent press conference that the Ministry will commence a review to determine how much progress has been made since the plan was implemented. Baksh revealed that all departments of the Ministry have already submitted work plans and action plans, which details how they will achieve certain goals.The minister noted that by the end of September, “we will do a total one-day review on where we are. We will do this at least twice a year to ensure that we do not wait until the end of the five-year period to evaluate where we are. We will do this and continue to monitor progress on a six monthly basis.”Earlier this year the Minister had announced that the strategic plan was accepted by Cabinet and the donor community. With funding from government and a whopping $20.5M grant through the ‘Education For All Fast Track Initiative’ (EFA-FTI), it is anticipated that the goals of the plan will be reached within the specified timeframe.Minister Baksh had revealed last year that it was during his attendance of an EFA-FTI meeting in Paris that he was able to solicit the much needed grant.In accepting the details of the plan, the Minister disclosed that the donors paved the way for Guyana to be in receipt of a full three-year tranche of funding which will be made available overtime.And according to the Minister,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, previously, the education sector was afforded annual funding for the FTI initiative for three years, most of which have been used for upgrading of education, including the delivery of education, teachers’ houses, school feeding programmes,NFL Jerseys From China, sanitation facilities, general utility upgrades, resource materials, and learning resource centres.He had noted last year, too, that the plan will feature health and nutrition prominently, which indicates the Ministry’s intent to address the safety and wellbeing of students. The objective of universal secondary education is also expected to be reached through the plan.And according to the Minister,Cheap Mens Jordan Sneakers, the administration has been very much concerned over the years, and right now will direct immense attention to the improvement of the education sector.Moreover, he emphasised that the plan is intended to better the current status of the local education system, adding that the additional funding will eventually be afforded. He explained though that over the period of the plan the government will have to look at its priority.During the past year,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, the Minister acknowledged that the government had been very committed to the education sector, which was evident by the allocation of the highest percentage of the budget to the Education Sector, adding that on a regional basis, Guyana is at the top of the league in this regard.According to him, the statistics of the most recent educational global monitoring report, Guyana is at the top in terms of expenditure on education, even as he noted that every effort must be engaged to ensure that there is greater value for money in the education system.In the year 2008, 23 new schools were built across the regions, among them nine nurseries, 10 Primaries and four Secondary schools, a development which is regarded as a good achievement by the Minister.

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