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Wholesale China Jerseys 314 tonnes. In 2010









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發表於 2017-10-26 00:31:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-new Agri. Minister vows to stamp out exploitation of farmersGuyana produced 40,000 tonnes of rice in 2011, which is some 11 percent more than in 2010 and is the highest ever recorded in the nation’s history.While rice farmers are faced with climate change and other adverse conditions, Guyana’s rice production continues to meet the increasing demand of the international and local markets, with 361,cheap jerseys, 525 tonnes produced in 2010 and 401,904 tonnes recorded in 2011.Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy said that while rice farmers are faced with a number of challenges, he was satisfied with last year’s production.“There are many constraints and our farmers, particularly the small farmers have had to endure a payment system that has been unfair to them. In 2012,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, I will be working to make sure that farmers are paid on time and that they are not used to bankroll millers,” said Dr. Ramsammy.In 2011, there was also an increase in the acreage of rice sown totaling 141,588 hectares,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and in paddy production where the output recorded was 618,Cheap Air Max 2018, 314 tonnes. In 2010, Guyana produced 135,550 hectares for cultivation and 556, 193 metric tonnes of paddy.Venezuela,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, which is deemed a new frontier for rice export, benefitted in excess of 160,000 tonnes of rice from Guyana last year. Meanwhile,  total rice exports amounted to almost 300,000 metric tonnes, mostly to Venezuela, CARICOM and Europe.Over US $169M was earned from rice exports in 2011 in comparison to the US $154,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 622,744 earned in 2010.Kaieteur News understands that in addition to the exportation of rice in 2011, the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) introduced two new varieties of rice; GRDB 11 and GRDB 12.These are presently being tested by farmers on a commercial level. Another 14 elite strains are being tested and studied across the country to identify additional varieties for use in Guyana.This is in keeping with the GRDB’s aim to increase production yield as it continues to develop and launch new high yielding strains of rice.To date there are 12 strains in use in Guyana.Dr. Ramsammy also explained that last year saw major progress towards the certification of the Rice Testing Laboratory.“In order to continue growing the international market, the Rice Testing Laboratory represents a critical technological capacity. This will become even more critical in the future. We expect to complete the certification process in early 2012.”He also added that the Ministry of Agriculture has piloted the Hinterland Rice Project in Moco Moco, Region Nine and is studying the feasibility of handing over the project to the residents in 2012. (Kristen Macklingam)

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