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發表於 2017-10-31 05:01:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Hemrajh Singh Pahalad,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 53,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, a father of four of 72A Woodley Park West Coast Berbice who fleeced his employer of more than $16M in cash and goods was on Friday remanded to jail by Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo when he appeared before her at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s court.He pleaded not guilty to a charge of embezzlement by clerk or servant.Pahalad who was employed with the business entity for 12 years is accused of between February 2 and February 16,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, while employed as a clerk or servant at the Double R Enterprise owned by Ramdut Ramoutar at Waterloo,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, Bath West Coast Berbice,NCAA Football Jerseys, fraudulently converted $16M to his own use.The Double R Enterprise is a distributor of goods both on West and East Berbice. Pahalad was entrusted by his employer to distribute flour throughout the county. He was given the responsibility to oversee the entire operation which included buying,Kurt Warner Cardinals Throwback Jersey, selling retail and wholesale and collecting payment in advance. He was also requested to balance the books.His boss will from time to time oversee the operation and make periodical checks.Checks were made on February 2 and all seemed well. On February 16 a request was made by Ramoutar for a check and balance of his stocks. On the said day Pahalad disappeared and did not return to work. After checks were made by Ramoutar it was discovered that $16M in cash and stocks were missing. A report was made and police began looking for Pahalad who was on the run.He was arrested on Wednesday at Rose Hall Town where he was hiding out. In court police prosecutor Sergeant Phillip Sherriff who objected to bail described Pahalad as a flight risk and one who may not return for his trial.Sheriff stated that after the accused committed the act he was on the run and was making plans to flee to Venezuela.The accused is being represented by attorney at law Charlyn Artiga.He was remanded to jail and his matter was transferred to the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court for March 6.Before he was taken to prison he complained of feeling unwell and told the police that he had a heart condition. He was taken by the police to the New Amsterdam hospital where he was examined by a doctor who gave him a clean bill of health. He was subsequently remanded to jail.

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