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發表於 2017-10-31 07:50:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With evident relief, Colin Jones, Randy Mars, Anthony Watson, Jahfar Sampson and Basil Morgan, who are facing multiple charges,NFL Jerseys China, ranging from attempted murders to setting alight of the Supreme Court, saw the preliminary inquiry (PI) into the attempted murders charges starting yesterday.Like several other of the charges, acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry,China Jerseys Cheap, is hearing the attempted murder PI at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Defence counsel, George Thomas,China Jerseys NFL, is representing Jones, Mars, Watson and Sampson while Tanya Warren entered an appearance for Morgan.The police are alleging that on November 4, 2009,NBA Jerseys China, at Brickdam Police Station,cheap jerseys, the five accused discharged a loaded firearm at two policemen, Ravindra Singh and Dharmindra Indrapaul, with the intention to kill their victims.At the commencement of yesterday’s proceedings, police Inspector Stephen Telford, who is prosecuting in the attempted murder charges, indicated to the court that he is prepared to begin the PI. Police Constable Ravindra Singh, stationed at the Brickdam Police Station and attached to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), was called to the witness stand. He was cross-examined by Thomas and Warren.Telford declined to re-examine Singh.Next to take to the witness stand was Police Corporal, Nigel Europe. The policeman is assigned to the General Duty Section of the Brickdam Police Station.Both lawyers for the accused cross-examined him. Europe was then reexamined by the prosecution. At the conclusion of yesterday’s hearing, the PI was set for further hearing on April 4.Relatives and friends of the five accused were present during the hearing.The accused were brought to the relocated Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, at Middle Street amidst heavy police presence.Initially the five accused were separately charged with a attempting to commit murder but on their last court appearance the police instructed the court to withdraw the separate charges and to institute them jointly. The men were also charged jointly with setting alight of the Supreme Court. The PI for that matter is slated to begin on June 1.Consdale Rodney who is attached to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) took to the witness stand on the last occasion and gave sworn evidence.Yesterday’s proceedings were for Magistrate Beharry to rule on the previous submission made by Thomas.When the matter first engaged the attention of the said court, Telford affirmed that on November 25, acting on information,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, the police went to a house where Jones was said to be at the time.A search was conducted and Jones was spotted. Upon seeing the police he tried to escape but was caught.The prosecutor told the court that the police found a number of items in the house.Telford further stated that Jones allegedly admitted that the articles belonged to him,Authentic NFL Jerseys China, and he also gave the police several other locations where a quantity of ammunition and two AK-47 rifles were found.Following Jones’s appearance, the charges against Deon Thompson and Ulei McQuede were read. The two are accused of knowingly harbouring two wanted men between August 14 and November 26, 2010 with the knowledge that they were wanted in connection with arson and murders.The court was told that Jones would stay at Thompson’s home and that the latter provided them with basic accommodation. (Tiffany Bowen)

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