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發表於 2017-10-31 10:56:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryWhile the Women’s Army Corps celebrates 47 years as a body, the upper echelon of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) has promised the return of female pilots and aircraft engineers among other opportunities for women soldiers in the still male-dominated military.The women’s arm of the country’s defence force commemorated its 47th year on Saturday, and chose to celebrate with their male counterparts in a fellowship programme at Camp Ayanganna’sDeputy COS Brigadier Khemraj Persaud addresses attendees.Auditorium yesterday. Speaking in the absence of Chief of Staff (COS),Cheap NFL Jerseys co, Brigadier Mark Phillips was Deputy COS Brigadier Khemraj Persaud, who delivered the feature address.He congratulated the GDF’s women for their,NFL Cheap Jerseys China, “unconditional, exemplary service”,Cheap Jerseys NFL, before relating that the army has taken note of the changing atmosphere that relates to the challenges,Cheap Jerseys Supply, well-being and development of female ranks.Brigadier Persaud said that, “new training opportunities are being made available,” to prepare the army women adequately for combat roles such as the Platoon Commander’s course, before congratulating Second Lieutenant Stacy Cadogan for being the first female in that area.“It is also our intention to return to female pilots and female aircraft engineers as we orient our thinking and attitudes and implement these necessary changes,” he continued.The Deputy COS said to the female ranks, that the female Army Corps has come a long way and, “I do not believe that anyone will doubt your value and significance to the country as a whole, and I have every confidence that together we as a force will embrace the changes that are so necessary for our continued development. In this regard our pregnancy and medical policies are opportune as they are much more accommodating for today’s environment. It will be prudent and appropriate to be engaged in some introspection,Cheap Jerseys, and to examine and determine what kind of Women Army Corps we intend to build for the future”.He said that the army continues to examine areas that affect the wellbeing of women ranks, such as their quality of life issues and civil–military relations.“You are reminded of our investments in your education and training and therefore opportunities for your personal development. Your fundamental role of defence and working along with sisters and brothers in the GDF to deliver a safe and secure internal landscape must be forever engaging your thoughts.”The Colours being presented to the Force’s Chaplin.“Your academic upliftment has been given priority and attention,” Brigadier Persaud said, before highlighting support from the force’s leadership in that regard.“We see your accomplishment in these areas as vital for your own development and fulfilling your unit’s role as promulgated from the onset of your resistance; that is, to provide a body of trained officers in women to be a ready reserve in any type of emergency,wholesale nfl jerseys, and to reinforce the regular elements and replacement in non-combatant duty. You have without a doubt moved steadfastly way beyond that role.”He reminded the females that their commitment to serve must be shrouded in honesty, integrity,Cheap MLB Jerseys, fearlessness and selflessness, while they constantly watch out for deviance. Brigadier Persaud implored the army’s women to remain steadfast in their ways for the continued respect of citizens, civil society and government.Yesterday’s event was also inclusive of items of worship and sounds of praise. The gathering of senior officials, officers, other ranks, civilians, friends and family was serenaded by the army’s choir and taught the word by the force’s chaplain and invited preachers.

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