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Wholesale Jerseys China the manifestation of the virus can include fever









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Protecting yourself with mosquito nets and insect repellents are but two of the measures being encouraged by the Ministry of Public Health to guard against mosquito-borne diseases. The Zika Virus is currently one of the most feared mosquito-transmitted viruses,Wholesale Jerseys USA, especially among pregnant women, since it has been linked to birth defects in newborns.It is for this reason that the Public Health Ministry has been helping pregnant women to protect themselves by distributing treated mosquito nets at antenatal clinics across the country.The use of treated or impregnated mosquito nets is one of the measures embraced by the Ministry to tackle malaria in the far-flung Regions where it is endemic.The treated bed nets, made of material which retains World Health Organisation-approved insecticides, was introduced as a strategic means of helping to reduce the threat of malaria in Guyana. But given the recently suspected impact of the Zika Virus, the Ministry has decided to put measures in place to have more people access treated mosquito nets.While it isn’t possible for the Ministry to provide each citizen with a treated net, since it is higher priced than a regular net, Chief Vector Control Officer, Mr. David Williams, has disclosed that getting a treated net might be much easier than many people think.In 2013 the Health Ministry had placed a tag of US$50 on the procurement of a single, specially impregnated mosquito net.But according to Williams, a treated net doesn’t have to be a specially designed net. In fact the very bed net under which people sleep every night could be easily converted into a treated net, Williams confided.  This, however, cannot be done without much care, he noted.Of utmost importance is the fact that the treatment process should not be done without guidance. And the Vector Control Services Unit of the Public Health Ministry could help in this regard.A regular net can be treated with Fendona (an insecticide) which is used to undertake indoor residual spraying. This chemical, according to Williams,Cheap Jerseys From China, once measured precisely is intended to be only harmful to the mosquito vector when it comes into contact with the net.Explaining the process, Williams said that once submerged in properly measured chemical solution, the net is said to be impregnated. The solution can last for as much as three to four months once the nets are not washed,Cheap Jerseys 2018, Williams related. He disclosed, too, that when the chemical wears off it could easily be re-impregnated.And according to him, although the process to treat an ordinary net is not a hard one, the importance of support and guidance cannot be overlooked. This is imperative in order to ensure that the treatment process is done in a safe manner.“Once the Ministry is okay with it,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, we can do it in a safe environment. We have already done this (impregnated nets) and I think if we are doing it for the public, specific locations should be used to treat the nets. Maybe at the health centres and we could do the treatment during the weekends.”“We could even identify a few people in the community and teach them the measurements of the chemical to make the solution so that they can do it just right themselves. All we would ask them to do is walk with their bed nets,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, wait until it dries and then they are good to go,” Williams related.Guyana recorded its first confirmed case of the Zika virus in January. An additional four more have been confirmed, all with help from the Caribbean Public Health Agency in Trinidad.The virus is spread by infected Aedes mosquitoes which also transmits dengue fever and chikungunya. They are able to breed around homes, especially in collections of fresh water such as open black tanks, tyres, roof guttering, plant containers and other vessels, thus people are urged to rid their environments of these breeding sites.While reports suggest that most people who contract the virus may not manifest any signs or symptoms, the manifestation of the virus can include fever,China NBA Jerseys, joint or muscle pain, headache and/or conjunctivitis (pink eye).Since the Aedes mosquitoes are known to bite throughout the day into the evening and at nights, the use of treated beds net is recommended. Persons can also seek to prevent mosquito bites by wearing light-coloured clothes that cover the body, arms and legs. They can also help to protect themselves by using insect repellents to exposed body parts and use household insecticide sprays, coils and candles to ward off mosquitoes.

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