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Jerseys NFL Wholesale unless we get enough blood drives









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發表於 2017-11-1 21:11:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Organisations, both privately and publicly owned, are being urged to ‘step up’ and assist the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) boost its current blood stock.As it is currently,Cheap Jerseys USA, the NBTS is struggling to meet its 144 units of blood needed each week.This is according to National Blood Donor Manager of the NBTS, Shameeza Mangal, who told Kaieteur News yesterday that some organisations have indicated their ‘non interest’ in assisting the NBTS.While the blood bank is working towards increasing its buffer stock,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, it is proving to be rather difficult, since the blood institution is not receiving the co-operation of businesses.For this week, only one blood drive has been organised and that is with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T).At this time however, there is not a significant shortage of blood, as the NBTS has embarked on its ‘call back’ programme, where persons who had donated blood before are being asked to donate once again.According to Mangal, this mission undertaken by the NBTS has proven to be rather helpful, since persons have actually donated blood; something which has assisted the NBTS in gathering enough blood for the various hospitals across the country.“But what would really help is an influx of units from blood drives,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, unless we get enough blood drives, we would not be able to meet our buffer stock,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” Mangal said.Over the past several months,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the NBTS has been facing many challenges in gathering enough blood to meet the needs of the Guyanese people.Since blood cannot be manufactured, the Blood Bank relies entirely on voluntary donation and blood drives.At this time also, the Ministry of Health is in the process of eliminating the family donor replacement programme, as Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, had noted that he does not want persons to be traumatised because their relatives need blood and they (the family) have to be responsible for finding donors.Dr. Ramsammy had also announced that the blood buffer stock is expected to increase to 200 units per week as services are expanding within the health sector.Minister Ramsammy had predicted that within another three years, 12,000 units of blood may be needed. This prediction,Cheap NHL Jerseys Adidas, he noted, might very well become a reality before 2012. To this effect, this newspaper understands that approximately 90 per cent of the blood collected at the blood bank goes to the GPHC, as more complicated surgeries are conducted at this medical facility.(Fareeza Haniff).

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