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– implicates PNCR officials in criminal activitiesSean HindsControversial self-confessed death squad member Sean Hinds is at it again, this time he appears more confusing than ever.In a recently released publication, Hinds is recorded implicating key former People’s National Congress/ Reform members in criminal activities.But hours after the recording appeared on social media, Hinds went to social activist Mark Benschop, who recorded his visit, dismissing the previous recording as just wasteful “gaff” and he is calling on President David Granger to quickly set up a Commission of Inquiry so that he can “talk the truth”.In a video recording spanning three minutes, Hinds alleges former PNCR leader Robert Corbin and one-time challenger Aubrey Norton were the intellectual authors behind him and some of his activities in the past. He gave no time frame for these activities.The video, which was released yesterday on YouTube but allegedly made months earlier, comes on the heels of a video interview that Hinds gave to a local television station last month.In his latest video recording, Hinds did not hesitate to allege that both Corbin and Norton facilitated his training and that they “controlled the place.”“They are the people who taught me things,China Jersyes Cheap, trained me and sent me to train. So why (are) they targeting me? All I looking for is a living. Killing people is not my option. I just want to be somewhere so I can get money to maintain my family and pay my mortgage. I don’t want to kill anybody,” Hinds said.“I was Desmond Hoyte bodyguard way back in the PNC time. All that I know or they said I do, they taught me these things. They taught me to kill people,NFL Jerseys From China,” he declared.Hinds also listed specific events, where he detailed his activities and the orders he allegedly received from the PNC/R.Hinds then went on to blast the current Government, stating that “all these things that they saying I do, is out of their camp I come.”“They never gave me a bicycle or a tricycle. When I asked (Robert) Corbin one night after I was at the presidential guard, I asked him for $100 because I had to go home and come back the next morning for 06:00hrs to report for duty.”“I asked him for it for transportation and you know what he turn and tell me? ‘When you drinking milk, you drinking milk.’ That’s what Corbin told me. So I don’t know why they at me. It’s they that taught me everything I know.”Hinds went on to allege that both Corbin and one-time Opposition leader hopeful Aubrey Norton were aware of his sordid activities, referring to another venture he embarked on.But late yesterday afternoon,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Mark Benschop posted also on social media that he along with other persons had spoken to Sean Hinds, who denied almost everything said on the new tape.“Mark, I wan talk boy, I wan talk. As soon as Mr. Granger set up dis inquiry, I is de fuss man gon ready fuh talk, providing dem ain’t kill me…. I know who throw s#$t pon Freddie,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, and I wan talk plenty mo,China NFL Jerseys, but I gon only talk if Granger set up de inquiry……dem tings on dat tape about Norton and Corbin was just a gaff…,” Hinds was quoted as saying.It was the same Hinds who on the advice of his lawyer Nigel Hughes had refused to speak to the police throughout the three days he spent in their custody two weeks ago.According to Benschop, Hinds claimed that if given a chance to talk at a Commission of Inquiry a lot of people will “go down” with him since he purports to know who killed Courtney Crum-Ewing.This publication spoke with Robert Corbin, who dismissed Hinds’ statements as “fabrications” and denied that Hinds had any affiliation with his party. In fact, Corbin denied having contact with or even speaking to Hinds. Indicating that he has been in retirement, the PNC/R stalwart maintained that whatever he knew of Hinds were the accounts carried in the media.Late last night Aubrey Norton also dismissed Hinds’ recent statements as mere fabrications.“I was the General Secretary in 1997 when Sean Hinds went to work with the PNC. Records will show that Corbin was doing law at the time and was not part of the party apparatus,” Norton stated.He said that his first interaction with Hinds was when he recommended that the then party leader the late Desmond Hoyte fire him when it was discovered that Hinds was misappropriating moneys earmarked for fuel for Hoyte’s vehicle.Norton said that Hoyte gave Hinds a second chance, but Hinds later went to the press and made a false allegation against a policeman.“Every time Hinds seeks to say something that happened, he chooses somebody who is dead, which obviously suggests that he is fabricating,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” Norton told this newspaper.Questioned at yesterday’s press briefing, Minister of State Joseph Harmon could not attest to seeing the video recording. However,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, Harmon did reiterate the Government’s policy that Hinds must make such statements to the police.“We will not provide any amnesty or anything of that nature. Let him go to the police and make his claims and if there is anything let the police investigate it.”“He’s been there to the police. Let him say to them this is what I did, this is what who did what to whom and give them the leave for the investigation.”Hinds is currently on $100,000 station bail.

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