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發表於 2016-12-15 04:15:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bass fishing is one of the most popular types of fishing,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, especially in the United States, for people who like to fish enjoy. Fishing for smallmouth and white bass or other types of bass makes for good sport,Wholesale Jerseys, but the one most anglers prefer to try for is the largemouth bass. The information in this article can be useful if you are just beginning to explore the sport of bass fishing or are getting ready for a fishing trip.
Any angler which experience knows that fish behavior is unpredictable and that it varies depending on the weather conditions, time of day or time of year. Thats the reason you should check on the forecast before you go fishing. Rain brings the baitfish that bass feed on close to the surface,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, and while not everyone likes to fish when its raining, you will probably catch more bass. The surface insects draw the baitfish to feed which in turn draws the bass which feed on the baitfish. However, bass can be harder to find on sunny days because they tend to stay hidden in their secluded hideaways. Bass seem to start to instinctively feed when a cold front is coming in, so you can take advantage of that and maybe catch a lot of bass.
The rod and reel of course are the most basic pieces of equipment youll need for fishing. If bass fishing is a new sport you are trying, dont invest a lot of money in the beginning on the most expensive equipment out there. You will be better off if you use a 6 foot medium action rod.
Graphite rods are both light and durable, so thats probably your best choice for material. The open faced spinning reel is easier to manage so that would be a good choice for a beginning angler. You want a reel that can hold quite a bit of fishing line, at least 150 feet or more. Lastly, the type of fishing line you choose is important as well,China Jerseys NFL, and monofilament line with low visibility is a good choice.
Large mouth bass,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, for the most part, are not caught for eating, although some people still have them for dinner every day. This is somewhat less the case with largemouth bass than with many other species, but this type of fish is edible. Not everyone likes the taste of largemouth bass, which is on the strong side. This fish is actually very tasty if prepared in the right way. As with anything that you catch in the water,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, you need to make sure it is safe to eat. If youre not familiar with the area, you should find out if the body of water youre fishing in is clean or if there might be dangers from pollution or mercury and other chemicals.
Many fishermen find bass fishing infuriating,Wholesale Jerseys, but many more find it rewarding. You can catch a large mouth bass as long as you choose your location wisely and pick the right time of day to start. If you persist, however, and learn from your experiences,Cheap NFL Jerseys, youll find that you become more successful at bass fishing over time.
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