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發表於 2017-11-4 13:54:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Delegates of the Miss Guyana India Worldwide Pageant yesterday visited the Palms institution for the elderly.While there, they interacted with some of the institution’s residents, including a 102-year-old woman. The beauties are also looking to raise awareness about breast cancer,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, and were therefore dressed in pink.Joining them at the Palms was the reigning queen,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Roshini Boodhoo,China Jerseys Cheap, who has taken up breast cancer as one of the issues she looks to raise awareness about.The pageant is set for this Friday at the Pegasus Hotel Poolside. The exclusive,Florida State Seminoles Jerseys, glamorous showcase of Guyanese beauties competitively will see them parading before an expected crowd of about 500 patrons in a royal setting.They are going to be in the company of real life Bollywood stars and the judging panel will include Miss Femina India 2002,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Neha Dhupia, the famed model and actress out of Bollywood. Also on the panel will be sizzling, sexy and sultriest actress Riya Sen and Famous Dance India Dance host Sauyma Tandon amongst others.A lineup of nine Guyanese beauties is carded to contest the coveted crown for the second annual Miss India Guyana Pageant. Currently, they are being taken through their paces in the lead up to the pageant slated for staging at the Pegasus pool side.The ladies aged between 18 and 24 come from varied backgrounds and are part of a talent pool of beauties who are intelligent and are also hoping to be Guyana’s beauty Ambassador to the international pageant in Suriname on February 25.Their professions vary as are their ambitions and while some have qualifications from Guyana education institutions,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, others have  US and Venezuela College graduate qualifications while some aspire to pursue university education and qualification.The Guyana pageant night will feature delegates appearing in four segments: evening wear, Indian wear,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, talent and the final question and answer to determine who is best suited to carry the weight of Guyanese beauty ambassador to the Miss India World Wide pageant.The queen’s prizes will include a one week trip to Mumbai, India and television appearance on a Bollywood television show. She also walks away with a cash prize and a four-year University of Guyana Scholarship as well as an exclusive one piece wardrobe from Lynette Mangar’s Exclusive Fashion amongst other Prizes.

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