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發表於 2017-11-6 15:42:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Uitvlugt fisherman’s 2010 murder…Almost one year after he was charged for his friend’s murder,Sam Mills Panthers Jersey, 26-year-old Andrew Albert has been committed to stand trial in the High Court.Yesterday Magistrate Nyasha Williams-Hatmin listened to final submissions by the prosecution and the defence team on the matter at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court.Albert is accused of killing 43-year-old Nandalall Bopat of De Groot Housing Scheme,Cheap Jerseys From China, West Coast Demerara, on August 10, 2010.The deceased: Nandalall BopatPolice Prosecutor Sherwin Matthews in his final submission put to the court that a prima facie had been made out against the accused as several crucial bits of evidence were brought out during the Preliminary Inquiry. According to Matthews,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, testimony given by the witnesses also supports the prosecution’s case, and most importantly, it was established that the accused gave his caution statement voluntarily.Attorney-at-Law David James,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, who represented the accused, told the court that a prima facie case was not made out against his client since the caution statement which was tendered as evidence was not given voluntarily. James asserted that his client, while admitting to stabbing Bopat, only acted in self-defence and was provoked. He pointed to the fact that at the time of the incident his client had a broken leg and was moving around with crutches.Having listened to both submissions, the Magistrate ruled that a prima facie case had been established,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, and as such the accused was committed to stand trial in the High Court during the next sitting of the Demerara Assizes which is set to begin on October 4th.When asked if he had anything to say, the accused declined,China NBA Jerseys, indicating that he would reserve any statement for the High Court.According to initial reports on the matter,China NFL Jerseys, on the day in question, Bopat and Albert were allegedly involved in an argument which led to the stabbing incident.Bopat was reportedly stabbed more than four times about the body. He was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The incident allegedly stemmed from the accused verbally assaulting Bopat’s wife some two days prior to the incident while Bopat was at sea. This reportedly caused the confrontation and argument on the day that Bopat was killed.

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