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Cheap NBA Jerseys one ah dem seh dey breezing out









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發表於 2017-11-6 22:44:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    had already packed up booty  Ranks from the Sparendaam Anti-Crime patrol came in for high praises yesterdayThe thieves were forced to abandon this combination safe at the front door when the police swooped down on them.when they thwarted what could have been a multi-million-dollar heist from the Lot 13 Atlantic Ville home of West Coast Demerara businesswoman, Gaitrie Dulichand.The ranks, responding to reports that a burglary was in progress, swooped down on the location and caught two perpetrators just as they were removing a steel combination safe from the house.The men had already packed up a quantity of household items including a 42-inch flat screen television, stereo set, computers and a large portion of expensive kitchen utensils with the intention of loading them into a waiting pick-up truck when the police intervened.The driver of the pick-up managed to escape in the vehicle when he saw the police entering the premises.It was an excellent example of police/public cooperation.At the time of the burglary, the house was unoccupied, and it was the neighbours who alerted the police.The lawmen did not waste much time getting to the scene, a sure indication of what could happen as a result of quick response. The men had gained entry into the house by breaking the glass portion of the front door with a hammer and an iron bar.Neighbours heard the breaking of glass, and, realizing that the homeowner was not at home, contacted the police. It took the police less than three minutes to reach the scene. When they arrived they had to use a torch to locate the thieves who were obviously startled.“When we ask dem wha dey doing in de house, one ah dem seh dey breezing out,Wholesale Jerseys USA,” a police rank told this newspaper.The police remained at the house until daylight when the owner arrived.The businesswoman was unaware of what had taken place and was shocked to see the police at her house when she arrived there hours later.A glove and house-breaking implements recovered at the scene.Dulichand was even more shocked to learn that one of the captured thieves was working with a contractor that was carrying out minor repairs to her house.She told this newspaper that she had recently begun moving stuff into the house where she had relocated a few weeks ago.However, because of an electrical problem which caused the house to be without electricity, she decided against sleeping there on Monday night.One of the burglars (the one who was working on the house) must have known that the property would have been vacant, so he decided to make his move.Dulichand said that she was heading to her business place on the West Coast of Demerara, but was stalled by the opening of the Demerara  Harbour Bridge. So she decided to travel to her house in Atlantic Ville to issue instructions to the workmen who were effecting repairs.“When I came here this morning,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, I saw a guy in the yard, he had this book,Cheap MLS Jerseys, but I didn’t even know he was a detective. I said, ‘You! How you get in here?’ he said ‘calm down,NFL Jerseys Outlet, calm down,Cheap Jerseys From China, there is a problem, there was a break and enter’.”This piece of information startled the businesswoman who, after learning that the man was a Detective Constable from the Sparendaam Police Station, entered the house.The first thing that hit her was the sight of her iron safe near the front door on the ground floor of the two-flat building.Further examination revealed that some other items had been packed up to be removed.She was told by the detective that the police had caught two men in the house and she was invited to the Sparendaam Police Station to identify them.“When I got there I identified one of the men that was working for me. He was working here on Sunday with the electrician,NFL Jerseys China,” Dulichand recounted.“I must give credit to the police. They came here within minutes of receiving the report. They stayed here until I came. They were trying to get to me all night,” she added.The two men who also hail from the West Coast of Demerara are expected to be placed before the court today.

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