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發表於 2016-12-16 16:06:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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RAVEN drummer Joe Hasselvander was forced to miss the band's performance last Saturday night (March 9) at the Up The Hammers festival in Athens, Greece because of a Northeastern U.S. snowstorm that caused many flight cancelations. Filling in for him were three local musicians: Spiros Poullos (STEAMROLLER ASSAULT), Nick and Manos.Fan-filmed video footage of the concert can be seen below.In an e-mail to Poullos sent earlier this week,Wholesale Jerseys China, Hasselvander wrote: "Thanks so much for helping the guys! I'm sure that you were great! I wish that I could have been a fly on the wall witnessing that! "You must have loved the experience. Every gig for me with RAVEN is an all-new thing each time! We have never had a disagreement in all of our 27 years together and after meeting and working them, I'm sure you can see why!"Again, thank you so very much for helping John and Mark out of what could have been a much stickier situation! "Also, think of it this way,Nike Steelers #11 Markus Wheaton White Mens NFL Pro Line Fashion Game Jersey, you and the other drummers are now in the RAVEN family tree!"RAVEN's latest album, "Walk Through Fire",2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, was released in the U.S. on March 30, 2010 (one day earlier in Europe through SPV/Steamhammer) via Metal Blade Records. The CD, which came out in Japan in March 2009 via King Records, was recorded at the Assembly Line Studios with engineer/mixer Kevin 131 (PROJECT: FAILING FLESH,Nike Eagles #91 Fletcher Cox Black Mens Stitched NFL Elite Pro Line Gold Collection Jersey, DECEASED,Cheap Jerseys From China, DYSRYTHMIA,Nike Cowboys #89 Gavin Escobar Navy Blue/White Throwback Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, GARDEN OF SHADOWS).RAVEN's first album since 2000's "One for All" contained 14 new songs and two live bonus tracks.In a 2011 interview with Metal-Trails.com,Cheap NFL Jerseys, RAVENbassist/vocalist John Gallagher stated about the musical direction of the material that has already been written for the group's next album: "Basically,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, we were really happy with the last record, it really represents the band where we are right now. So there's gonna be some short and rock-and-roll-style [songs], something like 'Trainwreck' off the last record — we'll always have stuff like that; it goes right back to something like 'Don't Need Your Money', that kind of flavor. We'll have a few songs that are a bit heavier; I already have a few that have some great riffs — really, really pounding heavy. I've got one song that's kind of epic style, with a lot of orchestral,Wholesale Real Madrid Jerseys, almost classical-themed mixed in with some very heavy parts. So it's exciting. We've got some interesting stuff coming up."RAVEN is:John Gallagher - Vocals, BassMark Gallagher - GuitarJoe Hasselvander - Drums

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