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發表於 2016-12-16 16:09:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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From the mind of the original Cyco, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES/INFECTIOUS GROOVES mastermind Mike Muir takes us on a journey into his world with the release of "The Mad Mad Muir Musical Tour",Cheap NBA Jerseys China, available in the USA on October 11 and in Europe on October 3. Featuring new,NBA Jerseys China, original and previously unreleased tracks from SUICIDAL TENDENCIES,NBA Jerseys From China, INFECTIOUS GROOVES, and CYCO MIKO, the album also features appearances from Robert Trujillo (now with METALLICA), Fletcher Dragge (PENNYWISE), and Brooks Wackerman."The Mad Mad Muir Musical Tour" track listing:01. M.M.M.02. Happiness (Is For People That Can't Stand Being Miserable)03. All The Way!04. Got Feelings?05. Alone06. Slightly07. Done Gone Stupid08. Full Of It09. Hang On10. Logical Thoughts Of A Lunatic11. Who's Next?12. What It Is!13. Slo Death14. So What? (If We Don't Care!)15. SoulvationIn a recent interview with KillYourStereo.com, Mike Muir stated about the status of SUICIDAL TENDENCIES' long-awaited new studio album, "One of the things we've realized is when you're young and put out your first record and start playing it to people, you are never thinking about thirty years down the track. I mean, that's twice as old as you are at the time. What we've learned is that when we do a new record, we know what we're doing, we know it will be a great record and we're not going to worry about what people are listening to at any given time. We just have to make sure we like it and we're not trying to be some kind of a tribute to something else. An album has to be a statement of what we believe in. Consequently, I think our music has obviously held up against the test of time. The new record will be the same; we're not going to try and fit in with what other people are doing. It's something that we are going to think very strongly of and that 10, 20 years later it will still sound good to someone who is hearing it for the first time. I think that's the most important thing."When asked how long the band has been writing new material for, Muir said, "Well, we have our own studio back home in the States and being our own label and with the way music is now, we don't have to worry about putting something out by a certain time. Right now we have so much music, and we'll play stuff and people will be like, 'Fuck, what's that?' and one of us will be like,NBA Jerseys Cheap, 'I don't know, man, just some stuff I've been working on,Wholesale NBA Jerseys,' and then (they would ask), 'When's it coming out?' and we'd be like, 'I don't know, man. I don't even know if it will!' We're not really worried about 'the game' as much as we are about the music. I think that will probably come across when the next record comes out. Probably early next year, I would imagine."

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