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Chicago alternative hard rock trio CHEVELLE will release it sixth album,Kelly Oubre Jr. Wizards Jersey, "Hats Off To The Bull", on December 6 via Epic Records. The CD's first single, "Face To The Floor",Patrick Ewing Team USA Jersey, with its hypnotic, grinding riff, is one of the most explosive songs of the band's career and is blanketing the airwaves nationwide. The track  which rails against the corporate corruption of Bernie Madoff and Wall Street  is the greatest gainer at rock radio, entering the Top 10 at Active Rock and vaulting into the Top 20 at Mainstream Rock.  The song also debuted at #2 on the iTunes Rock Singles chart the week of release. As the #1 most added record at Active and Alternative Rock radio, "Face To The Floor" is a testament to the band's songwriting prowess and eternal knack for a hit. "It's an angry song," reveals lead singer Pete Loeffler. "The lyrics are about all the people who have been taken advantage of. I reference Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme. He raked people over the coals,Kyle Lowry Team USA Jersey, stole and is a terrible person. One day, these people have everything, and the next day it's completely gone."CHEVELLE will celebrate the release of "Hats Off To The Bull" with an appearance Thursday, December 8 on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"This past summer, CHEVELLE hunkered down in a Los Angeles studio with producer Joe Barresi (QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, COHEED AND CAMBRIA). During the sessions,Michael Jordan Wizards Jersey, nothing was off limits,NBA Authentic Jerseys, and boundaries were non-existent. Rather than simply subscribing to a tried-and-true formula,Custom Raptors Jersey, they made a conscious effort to incorporate new sounds and textures into their patented airtight anthems. As a result,Evan Fournier Magic Jersey, "Hats Off To The Bull" is one of the group's most infectious and impressive offerings to date."We're a melodic hard rock band,Klay Thompson Team USA Jersey, but we wanted to expand on what that means. It's really important to be aware of what you've done already, says drummer and Pete's brother Sam Loeffler.  We never want to write the same song twice. Pete writes 300 days a year. Joe encouraged us to try different instruments and techniques and he pushed us to continually play everything until it was right too. There are so many nuances as a result." Those nuances come through loud and clear as a talk box echoes through the hard-hitting title track, reverb adds schizophrenic vitality to "The Meddler", and an organ colors the acoustic "Won't Be Left Out" with ethereal flourishes. "Face To The Floor" audio stream (courtesy of AOL's Noisecreep):

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