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發表於 2017-11-14 04:37:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Princess Hotel waitress,NFL Jerseys 2018, who attempted to traffic cocaine to Barbados, was yesterday remandedMarsha Maria De Cariesto prison by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.Marsha Maria De Caires,China Jerseys Cheap, 22 of 56 Happy Acres,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Store, East Coast Demerara, denied the allegation which stated that on March 24, at the Ogle International Airport, she had in her possession 3.770kg of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.Customs Anti Narcotics Unit prosecutor (CANU) Oswald Massiah provided the facts of the matter to the court. He informed the courtroom that De Caires resides with her father at the aforementioned address. He stated that during her course of employment at the Princess Hotel and Casino,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Providence, she met someone who linked her up with a male (name withheld).De Caires and the man then became acquainted and they both decided to meet at the Botanical Gardens.Further, Massiah added that the man promised De Caires US$2000 to traffic the drug and she consented. The man provided the defendant with G$10,000, to purchase her needs. He also bought her an airline ticket and informed her that she would be travelling to BarbadosOn March 24, the defendant was in the process of boarding a LIAT flight, destined for Barbados. Before doing so,Cheap Jerseys Supply, the man gave her a bag with four packets containing the illicit substance. As she was preparing to board the flight,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, CANU ranks apprehended her and conducted a search on her luggage. After the search was carried out ranks unearthed the cocaine which was concealed in baking powder packets.Subsequently, De Caires was arrested, cautioned and charged.Attorney Mark Waldron made a bail application on the defendant’s behalf. Waldron informed the court that his client has no antecedents and she is the mother of one minor.Nonetheless, bail was refused and the defendant was remanded to prison.She will make her next court appearance on April 1,China Jerseys, at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court.

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