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1. The No-Load Test of jaw crusher
(1) The rising temperature of bearing should not exceed 30? after the jaw crusher continuing running more than 2 hours.
(2) All the fasteners should be firm, without loose phenomenon.
(3) The flywheel and geneva wheel should be running smoothly,Cheap New York Giants Jerseys.
(4) All the frictional parts should be no scratch,Cheap Colorado Avalanche Jerseys, no crumb falling,San Antonio Spurs Black Mens NBA Ugly Sweater, no grinding phenomenon and no unusual noise.
(5) The adjusting device of discharging mouth should be able to ensure the adjustment range of discharging mouth.
2. The Loading Test of Jaw Crusher
(1) The jaw crusher should not have cyclical or obvious crash.
(2) The maximum feed size should comply with the design rules.
(3) The rising temperature of bearing should not exceed 30,Lakers #8 Kobe Bryant Purple Nike Throwback Stitched NBA Jersey? after the jaw crusher continuing running more than 8 hours.
3. The Preparation Work before Jaw Crusher Being Used
(1) Check the lubrication of bearing carefully and pay attention to that whether the joint of thrust board has enough lubricating grease.
(2) Check carefully that whether all the fasteners are firm.
(3) Check carefully that whether the driving belt runs smoothly. If there is damage phenomenon for the driving belt, it is necessary to change it in time. And if there is some oil contamination on the driving belt or belt wheel, it is better to clean it with a rag.
(4) Check the protective device is good or not. If there is insecurity,Warriors #40 Harrison Barnes Gold Throwback The City Stitched NBA Jersey, it should be excluded in time.
(5) Check whether there is some ore or debris in the crushing cavity. If there is some ore or debris in the crushing cavity, it must be cleaned up to ensure the cavity starting of crusher.
(6) Check whether the jack screw is backing, whether the gasket unit is compression,Cheap Minnesota Twins Jerseys, whether the T-bolts are tightened.
Before the operator of jaw crusher operating the jaw crusher, he must be trained to achieve “Three Understands” (Understand the structure, understand the performance,Cheap Oakland Raiders Jerseys, understand the principle) and “Four Cans” (can use, can maintain, can preserve, can process the failures).
Mobile crushing station : crusher-exportmobile-crusher,NFL Jerseys Wholesale.html
Ball mill : crusher-exportball_mill.htm

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