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NEW AMSTERDAM,Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2018, BERBICE – Members of the Government Pensioners’ Association, Berbice Branch, are calling on the Region Six Administration to account for $5 million.Chairman of the Association,Jean-Sebastien Giguere, Clement Johnson, indicated that Government handed over the said funds to the local administration to construct a building for the Pensioners’ Association.According to Mr. Johnson, only the base of the building was erected and work ceased. The pensioners were subsequently informed that the funds were not adequate.“They told us the money finished. I worked with the Ministry of Works for 30 years and I was involved in construction works and so on. With the knowledge I have,Nike NFL Jerseys China, no way that foundation could not have cost $5 million. We queried that and we are not getting anywhere.”The members requested financial statements in 2007 on how the funds were expended and never received any. “To this day no document.”In 2008, the group met with the Project Officer at the Office of the President ,Kheemdat Budhu,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, to discuss the matter. Mr. Johnson explained that the officer was taken to the site and he subsequently asked them to present a copy of the plan and a bill of quantity.The members of the Pensioners’ Association produced the required documents.According to Mr. Johnson, in 1999 the New Amsterdam Town Council,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, by a deed of gift, handed over a parcel of land in Vryman’s’ Erven for the construction of the building. This is located just east of the New Amsterdam Post Office.In 2001,cheap jerseys, the executive members met with President Bharrat Jagdeo to seek financial help to establish a place to call their own.According to Mr. Johnson, the President subsequently donated $5 million for the project. The funds were handed over to the Region Six Administration in December 2005.No work commenced at that time and in 2006 the Regional Democratic Council advertised a tender for its Capital Works Programme which included the construction of the said structure.The tender was awarded during the latter part of 2006 and construction began in January of the following year.Mr. Johnson recalled that on Monday February 5, 2007, the members of the executive body hosted a turning of the sod.When contacted, Region Six Chairman Zulfikar Mustapha said that the members of the Pensions’ Association never requested any financial statements and he is willing to show how the money was expended.Mr. Mustapha is inviting the members to visit his office tomorrow to discuss the matter.The Government Pensioners’ Association, Berbice Branch, comprises 100 members. They have been meeting at a location which they claim is not conducive.Recently permission was given by the Regional Administration to occupy the President’s Youth Building at Vryman’s Erven,China Stitched NFL Jerseys, but that location in not furnished. Mr. Johnson is convinced if they can acquire a place to call their own, the membership would increase and more beneficial activities can be held for the pensioners.

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