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發表於 2016-12-17 11:25:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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ASHENVEIL, the new "ambitious" female-fronted metal band out of New Jersey featuring OPERATIKA drummer Yuri Liakhovitch  and SYMPHONY X bassist Mike LePond,Victor Oladipo Thunder Swingman Jersey,  will film a video for one of the songs of their upcoming debut album,Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Jersey, "Black Of Light",Authentic Marvin Williams Hornets Jersey, on June 16 in Hightstown, New Jersey.  The clip will be shot by an established videographer and scenes will involve a crowd.  Any interested parties who would like to participate and be in the video, please send an e-mail to [email protected]  "Black Of Light" was mixed by Jeremy Krull (DARK EMPIRE) and is currently being mastered at Finnvox studios (NIGHTWISH,Wesley Matthews Mavericks Jersey, CHILDREN OF BODOM) in Helsinki, Finland. A late June release is expected.Described by LePond as "heavy metal-sounding BLACKMORE'S NIGHT,Authentic Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Jersey," ASHENVEIL was formed in the summer of 2009 when a group of friends met up for a jamming session. They clicked and the chemistry between the players was obvious to all. At that point, the songwriting process began and the direction of the band was musically defined and established. Eager for great things to happen, after a series of extensive rehearsals, the band — under its former name,Scottie Pippen USA Jersey, TRACE OF EMPTINESS — performed several shows locally to get their foot in the door, gain exposure and start building the fan base. However, it wasn’t until singer and songwriter Christine Greenwood joined in March 2010 to take over the vocal duties that the band was able to maximize its potential and reach the point where "only sky was the limit." With Christine's unique voice handling operatic soprano or alto singing styles, modified and tailored for each individual song,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, the band went on to record its first demo that was completed by the end of April 2010. After a series of lineup changes, Rich Fischer on the guitar joined the band in 2011 and brought much-needed technicality and versatility to complete the band’s unique and multidimensional sound. In the 10-minute video below,Dwight Howard Hawks Swingman Jersey, LePond talks about ASHENVEIL, the band's upcoming album and some of the individual songs that will appear on the CD.

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