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發表於 2017-11-24 09:44:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Chief Justice, Ian Chang,Cheap Jerseys USA, has quashed a decision of the Dental Council to suspend the licence of Cuban dentist Ruben Dario Mercado Navas.Chang granted an Order of Rule Nisi of Certiorari quashing the decision of the Council to suspend the dentist for three months effective March 1,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, 2013.The Chief Justice ruled that the decision of the Council was unreasonable,Florida State Seminoles Jerseys, arbitrary, oppressive and was in breach of the dentist’s fundamental right to work as guaranteed under the constitution of Guyana.As a result, the Chief Justice compelled the Council to register Dr Mercado for this year.The Chief Justice also blocked the Council from placing advertisements in the newspaper announcing that the dentist has been suspended from practice.Dr Mercado, of Lamaha Gardens, Georgetown is a Guyanese by way of naturalization. He has been practising dentistry since 1996 and operates from Kit Singh Dental Clinic of Peter’s Hall, East Bank Demerara,.The Dental Council is expected to respond on March 14.The matter surrounds the death of Lawrence Gopaul, a tooth extract patient Dr Mercado had seen and who subsequently died after being seen at the Georgetown Public Hospital.The man had visited the lab on April 4, 2012 complaining of a toothache and requesting that an extraction of the affected tooth be done.The doctor claims that said patient was required to fill out and sign an information form stating general information about himself, nature of the problem and any previous medical condition that he may have which could affect any dental operation.After examining the patient, the dentist said he discovered a cavity on one of the patient’s molar teeth and recommended to him that he would be able to save the tooth by performing a root canal.However, the dentist claims that the patient insisted on having the tooth extracted.The dentist said he administered the requisite dental anesthesia to the patient and thereafter, the extraction was performed. The dentist said it was a routine extraction,cheap nfl jerseys, without any complication,Cheap Jerseys Store, and with minimal bleeding.Dr Mercado said he has performed thousands of extractions and the said extraction was no different from the others.He said the patient was then advised not to eat any solid food for the next hours, to periodically gargle with warm water and he was also given Paracetamol to assist with the pain.He said that the following day,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, the patient and his mother visited Kit Singh Dental Clinic – Lab, and informed him that he was experiencing bleeding of the gum from where the tooth was extracted.The dentist said he proceeded to examine the patient, and did not find any evidence of bleeding; the gum was just swollen and sore.The dentist said that the patient’s mother informed me that he was gargling with salt water instead of warm water and he was advised against doing so.Dr Mercado claimed that he prescribed for the patient a dosage of antibiotic, amoxicillin 500 mg, for one week to prevent any infection of the gum and advised the patient to visit the clinic if he had any other problems.The dentist said that he never heard from or saw the patient again, but that approximately two  to three  weeks thereafter,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the patient’s sister telephoned the clinic to say the patient passed away at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.The dentist said that he and his employer, Cobeer Persaud, made inquiries at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation to ascertain the cause of death of the said patient, but no information was released about the cause of death because they were not relatives of the deceased and that the information requested was confidential.He said he heard nothing further from any other relative of the deceased patient.He said he subsequently learnt from newspaper articles that Gopaul had died of haemorrhaging and a blood clot to his brain.Dr Mercado said that he has been practicing dentistry for 20 years and this is the first time that such an unfortunate event has occurred and that from a medical point of view there is absolutely no connection or nexus between the tooth extraction and the sudden death of Gopaul.

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