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發表於 2017-11-24 19:23:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryAn idea to develop a piece of green area in the gated community of Bel-Air Gardens is facing stiff rejection by the high profile personage and diplomats living there. The residents are pellucid that they are unwilling to give up what they say is the community children’s playing area for any type of construction or for profitable means.According to the residents, as recent as last month discussions wereThe designated Bel-Air green area.being held with the administrators of National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) which is proposing to construct commercial properties on the said play area. They argue that such a move is unwelcomed, since for decades, the park has been an open space for recreation and a general play area. It also breaches agreements which were part of elements concerning the area, they said.Residents said too that construction will destroy the natural layout of the community, while indicating the beautification purpose of the green space.It was reported to Kaieteur News that the green space was being managed by the then disputed Guyana Stores Ltd., but when the company nationalized years ago, the park was part of the assets taken in by NICIL. Money is now being sought from that said area where commercial properties are looking to be built while residents and their children lose their recreational space, this publication was told.Even members of the diplomatic community, such as the Embassies which own property in the area are in discussions over the use of the park. These discussions, the newspaper was told, have been taking place since before 2010. They said that signs were erected at the area where residents read that plans were in mind for the play area. The show of resistance has caused the play area to still be available today, and the intent temporarily dissolved, a resident said.When contacted,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, NICIL head, Winston Brassington said that the NICIL/ Guyana Stores matter is still before the court.Residents are however fearful that their play area might well end up like the controversy occurring in Lamaha Gardens.  That community’s playground was said to be sold illegally to a prominent businessman. Residents kicked up a storm arguing that their children are left to play on the roadside – in harm’s way.

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