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發表於 2017-11-25 05:26:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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For years, the little East Coast Demerara village of Nabaclis was dubbed as one of the safest communities, but bandits put paid to that tag on Monday night when they invaded the home of a young couple and robbed them of cash and jewellery at gunpoint.Minibus operator Orin Harper and his wife Eleise were made to lie on the floor and then locked in a bedroom as two gun-toting intruders rummaged through their Nabaclis Line Top home.It was just before 19:00 hours and Orin Harper was about to close his door after fetching up a bucket of water when the two men ran up his steps and pointed their guns at him and his wife.“I heard like somebody running up the steps and before I knew it, these two men point their guns at we and said, ‘don’t run. Wheh de gold and money deh?’” Eleise Harper recalled.She said that the men immediately took off her husband’s wedding band, and kept demanding more jewellery since they did not see hers on her finger. She explained that she had taken off her wedding band while she was washing earlier.One of the bandits held her at gunpoint while she was lying face down on the floor and the other kept brandishing his weapon menacingly at her husband.“I said, ‘Ow, don’t kill me, y’all tek wah y’all want’,” the woman said.One of the bandits assured her that if they cooperated with them, no one would be hurt.All this time, none of their neighbours had a clue of what was taking place, although Harper was deliberately speaking in a manner to alert them.Eventually the men forced the couple into a bedroom and still holding them at gunpoint, rummaged through several drawers for valuables.“De black one tellin de red one, ‘Banna yuh wasting time, yuh wasting time’,Wholesale NBA Jerseys,” Harper recalled.The men then locked the husband and wife in the room and went to another bedroom which they also ransacked before fleeing the house.“I start getting bad feelings and when I come outside, I see that they went into my bedroom and empty two drawers. When I push my hand and feel among the clothes, all me jewellery gone. When I check my working bag, the money I had inside…gone. They carry away two cell phones too,” Harper told Kaieteur News.“I run out and I holler, fuh ‘Thief! Murder! Thief!’ and dey run to the back. My husband call 911 and they (Police) come,” Harper added.She believes that the bandits, whom she is certain are not from the area, were brought by residents of her community.“This is a set up!” she declared.She said that it was a wake-up call to many villagers who for years had grown accustomed to the safety of their neighbourhood.“We does leave we door open and go over by the neighbour sometimes,” Harper said.Harper said that she is thankful that the bandits did not harm them physically.

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