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發表於 2017-11-25 14:05:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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US$15.4M Amaila Falls Road Project…The actual construction of the US$15.4M Amaila Falls Road Project should get one step closer as the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is expected to be submitted today.Following the approval of the report,Cheap NHL Jerseys, a construction permit would be issued to Synergy Holdings Inc. to commence actual construction of the road for which the first set of road building equipment arrived recently.It must be noted that upon receipt of the report,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, there is a three week review period which could possibly see further recommendations being made.The execution of the activity required the hiring and mobilisation of several biodiversity specialists, among others,China Jerseys Cheap, that visited the project site in order to collect comprehensive baseline information on the species that are expected to be found in the area.Recently the IDB approved a technical co-operation as it relates to the actual Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project.The ‘technical co-operation’ abstract states that the project consists of the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a 154 MW hydroelectric power plant and associated infrastructure to be located on the Kuribrong River in west central Guyana,cheap jerseys, approximately 250 kilometers southwest of Georgetown.The Project is expected to include: four 38.5 MW Francis turbine-generator units; two rock-filled dams constructed close to the confluence of the Kuribrong and Amaila Rivers at the head of Amaila Falls; one on the Kuribrong River (19 meters high) and one on the Amaila River (36 meters high); a 230-Kilovolts switchyard at the Project’s site and two new high voltage substations located in Linden and Georgetown (Sophia substation) respectively; and a 280-kilometers transmission line (230-Kilovolts double circuit).The studies,Cheap Jerseys Free, partially financed by this technical co-operation with the IDB includes: the ESIA, the Hydrology Review and the Off-Taker and Market Assessment.The first shipment of the equipment to be used for the construction of the road arrived in Georgetown just over two weeks ago and was subsequently shipped to the OMAI Wharf in Linden, where they were scheduled to be cleaned and serviced where necessary.Experts were supposed to have travelled to Linden to assess the equipment.The equipment are expected to be used for the construction of some 110km of virgin road through the forest as well as 85km of road where trails already exist. In fact,Joel Campbell Arsenal Jersey UK, as mentioned in previous articles, this operation was supposed to have begun some time ago.The company is also expected to deliver on the construction and supply of a pontoon crossing on each bank of the Essequibo River at or in the vicinity of Butakari, and on the Kuribrong River, at or in the vicinity of Portage Falls,Undefeated Air Max 97 White, in accordance with the specifications set out.The pontoon must be capable of carrying 100 tons minimum. The roads (whether new or existing) must also be capable to carry 20 ton/axle vehicles with the design maximum unit carrying capacity of 100 tons.All roads must also be stabilised and capped with a minimum six inches of laterite or similar materials compacted to 95 per cent proctor and suitable for use as the final wear surface.

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