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[Xbox 360] Wholesale NFL China Jerseys  and original birth certificate









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發表於 2017-11-25 17:31:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In keeping with the National Registration Act, the fourth cycle of Continuous Registration kicked into motion yesterday. The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) said anyone who will be 14 years or older by June 30, 2013, and is a Guyanese citizen by birth, descent, naturalization, or is a citizen from a Commonwealth country living in Guyana for one year or more is eligible for registration during this registration exercise.According to GECOM, Section 6 (5) of the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08 makes it obligatory for persons who meet the registration criteria to apply for registration. Further it noted that Section 6 (6) of the same Act,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Chapter 19:08, provides that persons eligible for registration could be prosecuted, fined or even sent to prison for failing or refusing to apply for registration.It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure that the eligible children in their charge apply for registration, the statement added. It was also amplified that ”it is the civic duty of all Guyanese who meet the eligibility requirements to apply for registration during this fourth Cycle of Continuous Registration.“By so doing, you would (i) be taking the required step towards being issued a National Identification Card upon completion of the registration process, and (ii) be included in the Official Lists of Electors for future elections, if you meet the other eligibility criteria.”During the exercise persons eligible for registration are required to visit the Registration Office that is responsible for their areas of residence to apply for registration. Applications for registration,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, it noted, can be made accordingly at the respective 27 GECOM Permanent Registration Offices across the country or at the relevant Temporary Registration Offices. There are 49 established Temporary Registration Offices across the 10 administrative Regions to make opportunities for registration easily accessible.According to GECOM persons who are already registered can apply for a name change if they have changed their name(s) by marriage or Deed Poll since they were registered or apply for correction(s) if there is incorrect information on their National ID Card. Additionally, persons who are already registered could request that their photographs be retaken if the quality of the photograph on their ID cards are unacceptable, or collect their new ID cards if they have not yet done so.In order to apply for registration, eligible persons must be in possession of the necessary source documents, to facilitate the process. These documents could be an original Birth Certificate issued by the General Registrar’s Office or a valid Guyana Passport; an Original Marriage Certificate,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, and original birth certificate (in the case of a name change by way of marriage), or valid passport that was issued in the married name of the person applying for registration.Also persons should have Original Deed Poll and original Birth Certificate in the case of any change of name by Deed Poll. They must also present an Original Naturalization Certificate issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs and original birth certificate/valid passport in the case of naturalization.According to GECOM no photocopies or duplicate of an application having been made for naturalization will be accepted.All persons who are eligible for registration, but are not in possession of the relevant above stated supporting document(s) are urged to take immediate steps to acquire the said documents,Cheap Jerseys, in order to facilitate their respective registration during the current exercise. GECOM has further sought to emphatically state that Baptismal Certificates, expired passports,Adidas Juuse Saros Jersey, photocopies of relevant documents or letters from Priests, Elders,NFL Jerseys China, Head Masters, Village Captains/Toshaos and Justices of the Peace, and existing ID Cards WILL NOT be acceptable as source documents for registration.The Registration exercise, according to GECOM, will come to an end on Saturday May 18, 2013.

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