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發表於 2016-12-17 18:01:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE  a unique trifecta of an amazing rock concert featuring the unforgettable blues-rock of LED ZEPPELIN, an over-the-top video and light show as well as the personal history that Jason Bonham shares in commemoration of his father with the legendary rock 'n' roll band  has posted its video for the ZEPPELIN classic "Kashmir". Check it out below.JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE recently announced five fall dates of its ongoing tour,Joakim Nordstrom Jersey, with the new stops making up for a handful of postponed gigs. Bonham's spring leg wrapped back in May to raves from critics and fans alike. The new dates kick off on October 13 in Bakersfield, California, and winds down four nights later on October 18 in Napa Valley, California.JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE recently added new songs to the setlist for its second tour, including "Achilles' Last Stand", "The Rain Song" and "In the Light", the latter of which LED ZEPPELIN never performed live. Bonham told The Pulse Of Radio that the ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE setlists tend to lean towards his own personal favorites. He said, "When somebody said to me once,Jay Bouwmeester Jersey, 'What are your favorite LED ZEPPELIN songs, if there's two?' And I said, 'Well, there is always going to be two; there's never one. And it would be 'Kashmir' and 'The Rain Song'.' Well, I didn't do 'The Rain Song' on the last tour, and this time around. . . Y'know, I never imagined this thing to be taken in as well as it's been taken in, to be honest. But since we're in this position where we can now. . . To me, I wanna make sure that if there was anything wrong with the set before, that it didn't have enough of some of the later ZEPPELIN."JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EXPERIENCE features Bonham on drums,Paul Stastny Jersey, Tony Catania on guitar and theremin,Matt Dumba Jersey, Stephen Leblanc on keyboards/pedal-steel guitars,Ryan Reaves Jersey, Michael Devin on bass and James Dylan on lead vocals."The stories that people have shared with me over the last 12 months and onward since the first round inspired me," Jason told Billboard.com. "When people say,Brett Hull Jersey, 'Oh,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, can you try this one in the show next time? Can you do this?'... I spoke to my mom, and she said, 'Listen, you're representing the family here, and I appreciate you doing it.' She came out to see the show and said, 'You know, I was a little skeptical at first,Marcus Kruger Jersey, but the show is so wonderfully put together and it's very special.' She said, 'Please continue this for me as long as you feel comfortable doing it.' "

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