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發表於 2017-11-27 13:10:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Los Angeles waived cornerback Dwayne Gratz and placed rookie linebacker Josh Forrest on injured reserve after he hurt his knee against the Dolphins. They also promoted cornerback Michael Jordan and linebacker Nic Grigsby to the active roster, and they signed linebacker Randell Johnson to the practice squad.
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. (AP) — The Los Angeles Rams waived cornerback Troy Hill on Tuesday in the wake of his arrest last weekend following a freeway crash.
"Michael is so excited," Fisher said of Jordan,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys, a rookie Missouri Western State product who went undrafted and joined the Rams' practice squad in September.
"I didn't think he put the team first. I got information, and we made the decision. Because Troy was truthful with me in our conversations the last couple of days,NFL Jerseys Sale Shop, I also said that I'm not going to rule out a second opportunity. I think people deserve second chances in life. I think he learned from it, but I was just disappointed in his choices."
The Rams made several additional roster moves as they began their week of preparation for a trip to New Orleans.
The Rams deactivated Hill for last weekend's 14-10 loss to Miami. Los Angeles (4-6) has lost five of six.
Hill is fourth on the Rams' roster with 38 tackles after starting four games as a surprisingly important contributor to Los Angeles' solid defense.
"It was really fun to talk to him today. He understands our system. He's played really hard in practice. He was productive in the preseason games. He understands that there's maybe a 50-50 chance of him being active this week, just because of numbers and things,China NFL Jerseys Cheap, but he's really excited."

"I was disappointed in his choices,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, as they related to Friday night and Saturday morning,ArDarius Stewart Jersey," Rams coach Jeff Fisher said after practice Tuesday.
The Rams claimed Hill off waivers from New England late last year, and the local Ventura County product eventually outplayed free-agent signee Coty Sensabaugh for a regular role on the defense this season.
Hill's next court date is Dec. 14.
Hill was arrested Saturday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol after he rear-ended a truck in his Mercedes near Encino.

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