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Wholesale China Jerseys the GPSU stated









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發表於 2017-11-27 23:57:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Public Service Union yesterday announced that it is prepared to go the full length to protect the rights of the Guyana Revenue Authority workers who were recently selected for polygraph tests.In a statement issued over the weekend, the GPSU stated that it was notified that selected workers have been issued with letters signed by GRA Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur for polygraph testing.The GPSU condemned the act in 2008 when workers of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) were polygraphed and thereafter dismissed from their employment. The union says that it shares the same sentiments in this case also.“The Guyana Public Service Union stands firm in 2009 with regards to the use of polygraphing of certain workers of the GRA in an attempt to determine whether they are guilty of misconduct,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online,” the statement said.This recent development, the GPSU stated, is viewed as a threat to the workforce of the GRA, and more so to the workforce of Guyana, since the use of polygraph testing is arbitrarily discriminatory and unlawful.According to the Union,Jerseys From China, the GRA was advised to confirm to established rules, procedures and guidelines to determine whether there is misconduct on the part of any employee, and should desist from utilising unlawful procedures to determine whether an employee is guilty of an offence.This conduct,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the GPSU stated,NFL Youth Jerseys, is viewed as unfair and a blatant abuse of the rights of workers.“The GPSU would resist attempts by the GRA to subject its membership to such an unlawful and unacceptable act.”The Union has since written the Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur on the matter,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, and has requested that the letters issued to selective workers of the GRA be withdrawn.“The GPSU also indicated in its letter to Sattaur that the Union will bring this matter to the attention of international institutions which have mandates to secure and protect human and workers’ rights.”It is of the view of the Union that it may well be that there is a greater case for applying polygraph tests to those who are policy makers as members of the political directorate.Last Saturday, Commissioner of Police Henry Greene said that the move by the Administration to introduce polygraph testing in the force is welcomed.Responding to the question recently by media operatives about the move,Jose Calderon Jersey, Greene said he believes it is a very sensible move.He pointed out that in almost every Caribbean country polygraph testing is required before being employed, and now that it is being implemented in the force he has no problem with it.

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