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Wholesale NFL Jerseys getting the refund of the tax on her dog









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發表於 2017-11-28 13:38:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Ralph Seeram I could not believe what she was telling me. She said that the Customs Officers at the Cheddi Jagan Airport charged her $10,000.00 duty on her pet dog, a tiny four pound dog that she carries in her pocket book.“Are you sure it was for the dog and not something else?” I asked in disbelief.“No”, she replied. “They told me I have to pay the duty on my pet and I can ask for a refund later. I can’t believe it, and they want tourists to come to Guyana, I didn’t even get back my money,Wholesale China Jerseys,” she added, “but that is another story”.I will explain later why she did not get her refund on the tax on her dog; it was another piece of stupidity in government departments.She said that she made sure she had all her documents for her dog including veterinary records to ensure there was no issue when she arrived at Timehri Airport.The Guyana- born U.S citizen was one of many readers who would normally comment on my columns. She read my article last week on “Cow Dam” and Smythfield. Her great grandparents as well as her mother were from Smythfield, and she recalled as a “little girl” spending holidays in Smythfield, New Amsterdam.She emailed me because she wanted to know more of her relatives. I gave her my phone number so we could talk and “fill in the blanks”.As we were speaking on the phone, I could not help wondering how stupid it was on the part of the Guyana Government. Is the government so desperate for money, that is has to tax pets coming into the country? With all this talk of building a new airport to accommodate this anticipated influx of tourists, somebody had  better tell the Minister of Tourism that Americans take their pets seriously. Unlike some Guyanese, they do not view their dogs as “rice eaters”. These pets are like family, they are treated like family, and if they are going to be harassed at the airport they will not make Guyana a destination.Some may ask why bring their pets?  The answer is simple. If you have a pet in the U.S and want to travel, you either have to let a friend take care it, use a pet sitting service or take it with you. Now it might be more economical to pay the air fare (in the above case she paid US$400.00 for the pet’s airline ticket. Yes they do charge for travelling with pets). Pet sitting service is expensive. Sometimes you can’t be apart from your pet.As to the second part of her frustration,Cheap Jerseys From China, getting the refund of the tax on her dog, here is another piece of nonsense being implemented by Government agencies. I want to know who in the Guyana Government is the head of the “fashion police”? Who in government came up with the idea of what is decent clothing and what is not? What I am going to tell you is something I can relate to. When my reader went to get the refund from the relevant government agency, she was told that she could not enter the building. She had on an armless blouse. Women can’t enter a government building if they have on a sleeveless top.What a load of nonsense, with all the problems with crime and drugs in Guyana,Cheap NHL Jerseys, you would think they will use their resources much more efficiently than to worry about a top without sleeves. So this Guyana-born tourist was denied entry to recoup her money. So frustrated she was that she told them that if the government was so “badly off” they can keep the “f……ing money”. Now do you think that she would be a returning tourist?Some years ago on a visit to Guyana, I accompanied a woman to the New Amsterdam hospital where she was taking her very sick brother. The guard told her that she can’t enter because of her blouse; it had no sleeves. I asked the guard how being without sleeves is going to affect the patients in the hospital, besides what is more important, arguing about the sleeves or taking care of the patient?It was no fault of the guard; she was just carrying out instructions. Fortunately I knew someone working at the hospital. That person came and escorted us in.On another visit I went to make a donation to a technical training school in Skeldon. At the gate the guard told me I couldn’t enter. The reason? I had on short pants. I could not believe what I was hearing. I can’t go in because my pants were short. I would really like to know which IDIOT in government came up with this nonsense. I told her I am from the U S and I am here to deliver a donation. She was adamant; I can’t go in with short pants. Now when I visit Guyana most of my pants are cargo shorts. In a hot country like Guyana it is the ideal clothing, yet some fool in government feels short pants are indecent. Is there nothing more important for the government to worry about than short pants? I had to let her call the principal who instructed her to let me in.Another time a few years ago, I went to help a relative pay off her electric bill, which was in arrears.She was given money before to pay off her bills,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, which she did not, so I wanted to personally ensure it was paid off. Again I was told I can’t enter because I had on short pants. She however was agreeable and let me in.I think she figured it was more important for the electric company to get their money. What is the electricity company doing in the fashion business? What makes them an expert in fashion? I know they are experts in blackouts, but fashion experts, they are not.So somebody in Government needs to rethink its policy on pets for tourists, and the government needs to get out of the fashion business,Cheap Nike Air Force One Shoes, leave that to Michele and other models,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, I mean short of going in naked what’s the problem?Ralph Seeram can be reached at email: [email protected]

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