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Cheap Jerseys Store packaging of spices for overseas export









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With the aim of providing more economical opportunities for single parent women,NFL Jerseys Online, Government, through the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, is gearing this year to expand the Women of Worth (WOW) initiative. This was recently disclosed by Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster.Introduced in 2010 during the tenure of former Human Services Minister, Priya Manickchand, the WOW programme was designed to be an avenue of financial assistance for single parent women, with a mandate to help them improve their livelihood through small business ventures.Although the programme has been serving a wide cross section of single parent women, evident by the more than $16 million in micro loans which were disbursed last year, Minister Webster said that there are plans for expansion.“We feel that there is a need to provide more opportunities for our single parent women,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, especially to help them be able to expand business opportunities.”The moves will entail the Ministry initiating training programmes for the recipients who have already benefited from loans. The loans are disbursed by the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) which has been working in collaboration with the Ministry to fulfil the mandate of the WOW initiative.The total number of loans disbursed since the establishment of the programme has significantly increased, Minister Webster asserted, as she disclosed that “in 2012 we disbursed $16.424 million to various beneficiaries.”She also highlighted the fact that there were 61 new borrowers during the course of last year,Supply Cheap Jerseys, added to the approximately 67 single parents who were granted second loans. There were two third-time borrowers and another received a fourth loan.The vision for expansion will see the Ministry seeking to embark on partnership ventures with a view to helping the recipients of loans find market for some of their produce. According to Minister Webster “we feel that access to markets will help them to expand their businesses and the whole issue of placing greater emphasis on the role of women in the economy, which is important.”During the course of 2012, loans were disbursed to single parent women to engage in business operations including: clothing and garment manufacturing, poultry-rearing, agriculture, catering,NFL Jerseys China, bakery operations, cosmetology, retail clothing and vending, packaging of spices for overseas export, leather craft and manufacturing of bottled and package juices. The total number of loans that have been granted to date is 977.Minister Webster asserted that the WOW programme is also aimed at offering economic stability to women who would have endured abusive relationships. She made reference to the fact that some abused women are still of the view that they have no hope and therefore in many cases,Cheap Jerseys, opt to return to abusive relationships.“We have to change that,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, by providing more safe houses for the victims,” said the Minister as she revealed plans for the construction of one such facility in Region Three. She explained that there is private funding available for this project.

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