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[IQ題] Jerseys From China NEVERMORE









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發表於 2016-12-18 05:20:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Norway's TRAIL OF TEARS has issued the following update: "Today we have to announce that our longtime drummer,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, Cato Jensen, has parted ways with the band. Cato has decided to make some changes in his life and focus on other priorities. "While the band was more than willing to continue the co-operation, we have to accept and support Cato's decision that it would be too hard to combine these changes with playing in a band that demands a lot of focus and dedication. "We want to thank our friend Cato for his commitment over the years and wish him all the best for the future. "This brings us to announce that TRAIL OF TEARS is hereby looking for a new person to fill the drum stool. Interested candidates should have both studio and live experience, must be dedicated, and able and willing to tour. "The band is currently putting the finishing touches to their seventh album and festivals and tour dates around the world has been booked for 2012 with more to follow. "Interested candidates (preferably European residents),Cheap Baseball Jerseys, can contact [email protected] Make sure that you include your personal information,Cheap MLB Jerseys, biography, a photo and some video links to your work." The first teaser for the forthcoming seventh album from TRAIL OF TEARS is available below.TRAIL OF TEARS in September finished recording its as-yet-untitled new CD at Sound Suite Studio in Marseille,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, France with producer Terje Refsnes. The band is currently seeking a suitable record label to release the effort.Commented the band: "Cathrine [Paulsen] came through the extreme schedule with flying colours, putting the finishing vocals on the end result and delivered a performance for the history books! "We believe that we have created something extraordinary and can't wait to share it with you all. Never before has a recording process involved so much blood, sweat and tears!"TRAIL OF TEARS in 2010 parted ways with guitarist Pål Olsen and opted to carry on as a five-piece. TRAIL OF TEARS's sixth album,CHeap MLB Jerseys China, "Bloodstained Endurance",MLB Jerseys China, was recorded and mixed over a six-week period at Sound Suite Studio in Marseille, France with producer Terje Refsnes. Mastering duties were handled by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios in Finland. The cover artwork for the album was designed by acclaimed artist Travis Smith (AMORPHIS, OPETH, NEVERMORE).In 2007, TRAIL OF TEARS was rejoined by vocalist Cathrine Paulsen, who sang on the group's 2002 album, "A New Dimension of Might".

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