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– Youth Minister urges CYP representativesMinister of Culture Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, has emphasized the need for the implementation of suitable methods that will preserve the future of young people, from across the region.Dr. Anthony was speaking at the recent two day conference convened by the Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) to review national and regional priorities for youth development.“If we don’t invest now we will lose the people that matter the most.”Minister Anthony also highlighted the need for the implementation of methods that will safeguard young people against the dangers of substance abuse and diseases as he noted that the meeting is one of significant importance that will see decisions being made, which will profoundly impact, generations of young people, in the Caribbean.“I would therefore expect that over the two days you would pay more attention and apply yourselves diligently because the decisions that we are going to be taking are not going to be light ones, and therefore what we have to do as a region is to work in the interest of the young people of this region,NHL Ice Hockey Jerseys,” the Minister told the group of regional senior government officials, assembled at the Regency Hotel last Wednesday.The Minister commended the CYP for its accomplishments in addressing the needs of the region’s youth and underlined the importance for the presence of the CYP in Guyana“We here in Guyana would have had the privilege of hosting the centre, and from where we stand,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, we can see the impact that CYP would have made over the last 40 years.”Among the dignitaries in attendance at the meeting were Director of Youth Affairs at the Commonwealth Center Ms. Katherine Ellis and Regional Director of CYP (Ag), Glenyss James.During a brief interview with this newspaper, Ms. James explained that the agenda of the CYP is to create an enabling environment, for youth development.“We are reviewing policies, so that when we look at the financial sector, the education sector,Wholesale Jerseys China, the health sector,Wholesale Jerseys China, the social sectors, and the political sectors we can see where our young people are being represented so that we can meet their needs.”She explained that as part of the plan to achieve this objective, training exercises and workshops will be conducted.   “The CYP has always been cognizant of the challenges that commonwealth youth in the region face, which primarily include unemployment,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, crime and access to better education.”In this regard, James says that the CYP has sought to empower Directors of Youth Departments in the Caribbean.“The CYP has assisted these youth leaders through policy programmes and initiatives that will assist them in tackling the issues through partnership with their local stakeholders.”“Some Member States have been very successful in their efforts to reach the young people, through community based research and partnerships with their respective education sectors to create specialized programmes where training is available for youths in and out of school.”Meanwhile, the Director of Youth Affairs at the Commonwealth has noted that she believes it is essential that the voices of the youths are heard and that government decision makers have the right policy tools available to them.“While economist and pundits are focused on GDP and growth projections, it is all too easy to lose sight of the needs and potential of young people who are often worst hit by economic crisis. This generation can make an enormous contribution to national development with the right prioritization and investment.”

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