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Jerseys From China Finnish technical death metallers DE LIRIUM'S ORDER









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發表於 2016-12-18 10:43:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Finnish technical death metallers DE LIRIUM'S ORDER (DLO) have parted ways with guitarist Mika Sundvall and drummer Ukri Suvilehto.Commented the remaining members of the band: "The previous and ongoing year with DE LIRIUM'S ORDER has been very time-consuming for all band members. The production of 'Veniversum' and the live shows that followed the release have required considerable personal investments from the band members. Mika and Ukri have now decided to concentrate on something else. We will miss you and the great time spent together in the studio and on the road!"Do you think that you would fit into the ranks of DE LIRIUM'S ORDER as guitarist or drummer? Drop us a private note at our Facebook page or our email [email protected]"DE LIRIUM'S ORDER's "Autistic Savant" video can be seen below. The clip, which was directed by Heikki Oinonen (MEDEIA), was filmed in freezing conditions — minus 30 degrees Celsius — in an abandoned factory in Joensuu, Finland.According to a press release,Cheap Jerseys USA, "Autistic Savant" "concentrates on autistic savants,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, some of whom possess extraordinary capabilities such as prodigious memory or superior musical ability. The savant syndrome is largely a mystery despite of the extensive amount of research that has been conducted on the subject. "A special notion on the video is that the band's drummer,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, Ukri 'Uge' Suvilehto,Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale, who has achieved close to one million YouTube hits with his acclaimed drum videos,Cheap Jerseys China, was playing with high fever, making the difference in temperature between him and the surrounding environment close to 70 degrees! The video also includes scenes shot underwater.""Autistic Savant" comes off DE LIRIUM'S ORDER's third album,Cheap NFL Jerseys, "Veniversum",Cheap Stitched Jerseys, which was released on March 23 via DLO Productions, distributed by Inverse Records.According to a press release,Cheap Jerseys From China, "Veniversum" is "not to be taken lightly — its compelling sounds, myriad instruments,Wholesale Jerseys USA, and incredible solos combined with unprecedented musical madness leaves you puzzled and wanting more.. will you survive this blasting inferno?""Veniversum" track listing:01. Autistic Savant02. .4403. Maximum Sentence04. Seppuku05. The Gravity of Crime06. Schizophrenic07. My Kingdom from Baekdu08. The Aftermath

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