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發表於 2017-12-6 02:25:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Coming off a rough rookie season in which he only had one catch for 15 yards and was slowed by multiple injuries, Treadwell has been on a clear track for second-year improvement and started training camp strong until his latest setback.
He stopped short of expressing frustration, though.
"It could be worse. A lot of guys are going through worse things than a hamstring," Treadwell said. "That's how I took it. Just be grateful that I'm back out here."
"That was my biggest thing. I knew I could win. I just didn't know how. I learned over the offseason and spent a lot of time just really learning how to be a true receiver instead of just relying on God-given talent and ability."
He's paid close attention to Diggs and Thielen and how they run their routes.
"They were very technically sound, and that's why they were able to beat guys consistently, and they know how to win,Nike NFL Jerseys China," Treadwell said.
"I'm trying not to really be overconfident about it,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, but I feel good about this year," Treadwell said. "I feel good where I'm at,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, and I think I'll continue to improve."
Treadwell took his first turns in full-team drills on Tuesday since July 31, when he was last seen engaging in a scuffle with safety Antone Exum. Treadwell said he hopes to be able to play with the Vikings in their exhibition game at Seattle on Friday,Cheap Jerseys USA, but precaution could top eagerness in this case.
Key players missing from action on Tuesday were defensive end Everson Griffen,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, safety Andrew Sendejo, left guard Alex Boone and cornerback Trae Waynes. Boone had a wrap on his left knee. Waynes hurt his shoulder in the exhibition game at Buffalo last week.
With Stefon Diggs and Adam Thielen established as the top two wide receivers, and newcomer Michael Floyd bound to factor in to the scheme following his four-game suspension, Treadwell won't carry heavy pressure to produce. The former first-round draft pick has much to prove, though.
"I think I showed the coaches what I can do and fitting my role in this offense," Treadwell said. "It was good. It was good. Unfortunately I went down right before the pads went on."
EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (AP) — Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Laquon Treadwell has returned to practice following a two-week absence caused by a hamstring injury.

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