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– abandons stolen car at New AmsterdamBy Michael JordanThe prime suspect in the murder of Insurance Executive, Bert Whyte, narrowly escaped fromMurder suspect Clive Knightspolice at New Amsterdam, Berbice on Thursday night.But he was forced to abandon his victim’s stolen car. Police have intensified the search for him.Kaieteur News understands that a police traffic rank was in the vicinity of Cow Dam,Joel Campbell Arsenal Jersey UK, Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam around 22:00 hrs, when he observed someone driving a Toyota Sprinter with cardboard number plates.The traffic rank reportedly attempted to make the driver pull over,Cheap Jerseys From China, but the occupant drove further into Angoy’s Avenue. Kaieteur News understands that the rank was concerned for his safety and exited the crime–ridden area before radioing for a back-up patrol.Police visited the scene and eventually found the vehicle near the Stanleytown,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, New Amsterdam foreshore.The car has been impounded at the Central Police Station in New Amsterdam. Police have confirmed that the car is the same one that was stolen from Whyte on Monday night after another occupant stabbed him.Police believe that the man they are looking for is Clive Knights, a former Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation security guard who had resided on the East Coast of Demerara, but is reportedly now living in Berbice.There is some concern that the fugitive may flee to Suriname, since he is said to have previously visited the Dutch-speaking territory.Kaieteur News understands that Knights had hidden the vehicle in a New Amsterdam workshop.He also reportedly contacted some of his associates in an attempt to have the car sold.Police identified the suspect a few days ago and later confirmed that the stolen vehicle was taken across the Berbice Bridge some hours after Whyte was slain. The licence numbers of all vehicles crossing the bridge are recorded. Security cameras are also mounted near the bridge.Bert WhyteAccording to sources, Knights met Bert Whyte about two years ago,Cheap Jerseys From China, when he was working as a security guard at the GPHC. At the time,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Whyte was the GPHC’s Personnel Manager.Knights was reportedly fired on one occasion,Wholesale China Jerseys, but was given back his job.Knights is said to be in his thirties. He is about five feet five inches and is dark in complexion.The two men were said to have been close acquaintances.Reports indicate that the fugitive had gravitated to robbery. He was a suspect in at least two vehicle thefts.It is believed that he lured Whyte to Bentinck Street with the sole aim of killing him and taking the vehicle.Whyte, it is believed, had to be disposed of because he could have identified his attacker.Checks of Whyte’s movements last Monday revealed that he had picked up his niece from a private school in the city, hours before his death. The child told detectives that there was another man who was unfamiliar to her in Whyte’s car when she was picked up.Instead of taking his niece home, Whyte reportedly dropped the girl off at the Stabroek Speedboat Stelling for her to make her way home to Pouderoyen.Accompanied by his killer, he then made the fateful journey to Bentinck Street, Tiger Bay. Reports indicate that the suspect was driving while Whyte, a Guyana and Trinidad Mutual Life Insurance Company Limited Manager, was in the front passenger seat.Whyte, of Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara,Bryan Bickell Jersey, was seen later, struggling with another man in his car before exiting the vehicle and running into Main Street and collapsing outside of a Main Street Restaurant and Bar.Bert Whyte’s stolen carHe managed to give his cellular phone to the security personnel at the establishment who subsequently contacted relatives.They managed to rush him to the GPHC where he died shortly after.

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