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發表於 2016-12-19 08:26:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon has launched a MySpace page where she has posted two demo tracks that she recorded in 2009 for what was supposed to become her debut solo album. She says, "The songs are not mixed or produced, just recorded in the moment, and therefore are very rough songs. But I still want you to hear them since I am proud of them and I think they show another part of me than you hear in NIGHTWISH." She adds, "The first song is called 'Floating' and I call it the 'circus' song. It gives me a happy feeling and the vibe in it is happy and joyful. The second song ['Invincible'] is a song I wrote for my son and therefore it's very special to me."You can now listen to the tracks below.    Olzon announced in April that she decided to push back the tentative release date of her debut solo album to after NIGHTWISH has completed touring in support of its new studio album, "Imaginarium". She explained,Dylan Larkin Jersey, "The solo was meant to be a fun thing and a thing for me to start doing my own songs since that is something I feel I want to learn more about. "When I got pregnant with Nemo [Anette's second son and first with current boyfriend,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, bassist Johan Husgafvel of the Swedish metal band PAIN], I felt that I didn't want to stress during the pregnancy since my pregnancy with Seth [Anette's older son] was hard and I had to take it very easy. So to not 'jump in' and promise things I couldn't keep,Tyler Bozak Jersey, I put the solo down. "When Nemo came, and I felt that he was healthy and I also felt good,Bruce Boudreau Jersey, I started to feel that I could put the album out and still had time to do that. We started to discuss with different labels,Brett Hull Jersey, but the progress took so much time and things happened along the way  the biggest thing being a producer who suddenly couldn't do it due to personal problems  and all of a sudden it was April and my time is running out. So I pulled the break [in April] and just said 'thanks, but no thanks' to the record label 'cause it can't be done at this time. "My autumn is quite full with 'Imaginarium', so the solo [album] will have to wait to be released. I will work with the production of the songs when I have the time,Tyler Seguin Jersey, but there won't be an album out. Then,Mark Recchi Jersey, after 'Imaginarium' and the tour  if I still feel like releasing it  I will do that then."Olzon worked on material for her solo CD in 2009 with Swedish producers Stefan rn and Johan Glssner. The album was slated to be co-produced by Swedish producer/songwriter Anders Bagge,Kris Draper Jersey, who has previously worked with MADONNA, CELINE DION, JANET JACKSON and JESSICA SIMPSON, among others. He was also one of judges on the Swedish TV talent competition "Idol" and a producer of the TV series "Made in Sweden". Olzon in 2009 hired a personal manager  the Swedish management company Hagenburg Management, which also represents EUROPE and THE CARDIGANS.

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