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Cheap Jerseys From China at Parliament Buildings yesterday.According to Nasir









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– includes probing complaints of abuse Now equipped with additional staff, the Rights of the Child Commission has expanded its mandate to investigate complaints of abuse against children. These complaints will then be forwarded to the relevant authorities for action.This was revealed by Aleema Nasir, Chairperson of the Rights of the Child Commission, following the handing over of the Commission’s Annual Report for 2011 to the Speaker of the National Assembly,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic,Aleema Nasir, Chairperson of the Rights of the Child Commission presents the Commission’s 2011 annual report to Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman.Raphael Trotman,holesale Soccer Jerseys, at Parliament Buildings yesterday.According to Nasir, with the employment of an Administrative Assistant and an Investigative Officer about two months ago, the Commission started to investigate complaints. The oversight body works in collaboration with and monitors other related agencies.The lack of staff has contributed significantly to the Commission not being able to complete its annual reports in a timely manner. The Commission was only able to submit its 2011 annual report yesterday and would be submitting its 2012 annual report in January 2014.Nasir related that the Commission was formed in 2009 and became operational in 2010 but took awhile to execute its mandate. With a $500M strategic plan for 2011-2016,Wholesale China Jerseys, the Commission encountered financial challenges with hiring staff. She said the Commission’s budget in 2011 was $15M.According to Nasir, during 2011,NFL Jerseys China, the Commission successfully conducted programmes and activities aimed at promoting, establishing and maintaining the rights of children.Highlighting the achievements of the Commission in 2011,Wholesale Jerseys USA, she said the National Birth Registration and Survey was completed and the results were made public at the launching ceremony in October of that same year. Guyana was recognized during its participation in the United Nations Conference on Universal Birth Registration for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Panama.According to Nasir, despite the constraints and challenges encountered,Cheap Jerseys USA, the Commission was able to satisfactorily complete its revised work programme. She said the revision was necessitated by the limited funds allocated in the budget. (Keeran Danny)

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