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發表於 2017-12-12 13:41:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Former Browns coach Rob Chudzinski spoke to Gordon about his actions,Jerseys From China.

Last year, Gordon was convicted of two traffic offenses after pleading no contest in court. He was ticketed twice for speeding, once for driving 98 mph. He paid $296 in fines and court costs.
The traffic stop comes as the Browns are awaiting news whether Gordon will be available to play this season. The talented 23-year-old was suspended two games last season for failing a drug test and still led the league with 1,664 yards receiving. Earlier this month,Dallas Mavericks Jerseys, ESPN reported that Gordon,Cheap Jerseys 2018, who entered the league with a history of substance-abuse problems, failed another drug test, which could result in a one-year ban.
Browns general manager Ray Farmer issued a statement regarding Gordon's latest issue.
Gordon was pulled over for driving 74 mph in a 60 mph zone on May 25, WKYC-TV reported Friday. According to the report,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the passenger in Gordon's Mercedes was issued a citation for possession of marijuana in an amount under 200 grams. The marijuana was found in a blue bag with identification. The passenger said the marijuana was not Gordon's.
CLEVELAND (AP) — Josh Gordon's troubles are piling up fast.
"We are gathering information regarding the situation,Cheap NFL Jerseys," Farmer said. "We will not have any further comment until the appropriate time."
Cleveland's Pro Bowl wide receiver, facing a possible NFL suspension for another failed drug test, was ticketed for speeding last weekend and a passenger in his car was cited for marijuana possession.
Gordon's pending case is posted online on the Berea Municipal Court docket. It says Gordon showed proof of insurance when he was stopped and that he did not have any warrants,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping. He is due to appear in court on June 4.
Gordon has been practicing with the Browns as he awaits word from the league. Gordon has declined to comment at the workouts that have been open to the media the past two weeks.

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