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發表於 2017-12-12 19:00:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…as authorities predict continuing downpoursAuthorities are predicting continuing rains into the May/June season with recent downpours than normal.According to the Ministry of Agriculture, yesterday, beginning April 5, Guyana has been experiencing an increase in rainfall as the influence of the El Nino phenomenon which began in June 2009 continues to weaken.After experiencing several months of almost complete dryness, several rainfall stations have recorded in excess of their long-term average/normal (30 years) for the month of April over 2 to 4 rain-days.The records suggest that most stations in Region Three (including Uitvlugt, De Kendren, Leonora, and Boerasirie) have already exceeded their normal by more than 60 per cent.So far, Georgetown has already exceeded its long term average for the month of April (140.5 mm) by 73 per cent.In addition, Ogle,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, Vryheid’s Lust, Mon Repos, LBI and MARDS on the East Coast Demerara have also exceeded their normals by as much as 50%. On April 15, Charity recorded 9.1 inches of rainfall; Georgetown 2.6 inches; Mon Repos recorded 3.8 inches; while MARDS and Mon Repos recorded 3.7 inches.These extremely high intensities of rainfall were the primary driving force which caused the localised flooding experienced in Georgetown and along the coast, the Ministry said.“The above normal rainfall recorded over such a short period points to the fact that we have been experiencing very high intensity rainfall over the past ten days.This increase in rainfall activity has been due primarily to the annual northward movement of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). With the approaching of the summer in the northern hemisphere, it is common to have the influence of a sometimes strong west to east sub-tropical jet in the upper atmosphere.”This powerful band of wind flow has been interacting with the ITCZ to produce the current high intensity rainfall that has been affecting Guyana and its neighbouring countries. It is expected that the current weather will continue well into the weekend and possibly into next week, the Ministry disclosed.“However, what we are currently experiencing is a transition from our dry season to the primary rainfall season (mid-April to mid-August). It is anticipated, with some breaks, the current trend in rainfall will continue until we approach the peak of our primary rainfall season in May/June.”The current rainfall being experienced fits well with the outputs of several international climate models in recent weeks which have all been suggesting the transitioning to El Nino neutral conditions by mid-year, the statement assured.“The Hydrometeorological Service continues to anticipate El Nino neutral conditions, while at the same time recognising that some models are suggesting a tendency toward a La Nina influence.“The Guyanese public is therefore encouraged to take the necessary actions to mitigate the possible impacts of localised flooding driven by the high intensity rainfall activity currently being experienced.”

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